Chapter 6: Thanatos (1)

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"How exactly would I suit up?" Mingi air quoted the words "suit up."

"You ruined my Nick Fury statement!" Yunho complained. "Anyways, we should have in three, two, one-"

"Here you go," Sna tossed a bag to Mingi, disappearing quickly as he arrived.

"Boom," Yunho grinned.

"So do I just-"

"Go and change! Everything you need will be in there. I will go back to the van and take care of some stuff. Your job is to change and fight," Yunho waved before running off, leaving behind a confused Mingi.

"What?" Mingi shouted before sighing, rushing to the closet bathroom to change.

"What even is this shit?" He opened the bag, skimming through the clothes. "Holy shit, they even gave me shoes!"

The man pulled out the suit, raising an eyebrow at the design. "A queer made this, didn't they?"


"Why the fuck does my shirt say 'diesel'?" Mingi asked, hearing a laugh through his earpiece.

"Fire curse, diesel," Hongjoong cooed. "I thought it was funny."

"You design this shit?"

"Yeah, I made everyone's- San, that's supposed to go over your shirt!"

"Yeah, but I am trying to show off my abs!"

Mingi sighed as San and Hongjoong bickered about how a 'chest plate' was supposed to be worn.

"Guys! Where the fuck are we meeting?" Woooyung shouted, causing Mingi to flinch. "We never trained for this shit!"

"Calm down, guys," Yunho chuckled. "That's why I am here. However, we are putting a lot of trust in you guys. Remember, we caught you once; we can catch you again."

"Thanks for the inspiration, Jackass," Yeosang scoffed.

"Just meet at 5th street, near Target."

"I am already here," Mingi looked around, scanning for everyone else.

"Me too!"

"Agh!" Mingi flinched, San smiling as he appeared before him. "Stop doing that!"

"I am almost there!" Wooyoung informed.

"What is this?" A new voice boomed over the city, sounding robotic and similar to an old record. "The fucking Suicide Squad?"

Mingi and San looked up and around, searching for the owner of the voice, to find nothing but a snowstorm heading their way.

"Yeah!" Mingi shouted, nodding his head. "We are very aware of ourselves!"

"Good," a figure slowly approached them from the thick snow cloud. "Cause darling, this was not going to be fun if you didn't know."

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