Chapter 7: Future Study Lessons

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Blood dripping down from his back, Mingi kneeled down to give the girl a smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying not to frighten the child.

The girl didn't answer, covering her head with her arms and heading behind her knees.

Mingi reached out to touch the girl, earning a yelp as she pushed his hand away.

"Fuck," he cursed, angry that he probaly burned the girl.

He slapped his hand, ensuring that his curse was not on to avoid hurting her again.

"Hello?" The man asked, tapping lightly on the girl's shoulder.

The girl shot up, causing Mingi to fall backwards. Her eyes were filled with panic as she stumbled back. Her afro filled with debris and small pieces of glass, her dark brown skin bruised with small cuts.

"Hey!" Mingi held up his hands. "It's okay; I am here to help!"

The girl only shook her head, her hands moving frantically around.

Mingi slowly stood up and squatted in front of her, becoming face-to-face with the little girl. He followed her hands, watching her point to her ear and twist her hand back and forth. Small gasps and sounds came from her mouth, as she tried to tell him.

She was deaf.

"Oh," Mingi gave her a warm and reassuring smile. "I see," he nodded, pointing to himself.

"I am Mingi," he said as he signed to the girl. "I am here to help you."

The girl sighed, her panic state slowly becoming calm as she softly smiled.

'I am Victoria,' she signed. 'But you are hurt. Are you okay?'

Mingi nodded, 'of course I am!' He made a prideful face. 'I am a superhero!'

'Yes!' Victoria nodded. 'You saved me! Thank you!'

She rushed to hug Mingi, crying, as Mingi had seconds to ensure he wouldn't hurt her again and brace for pain. He gently and carefully patted her back, trying to confront the young girl.

"I saved you," he whispered to himself. "I saved you; you are okay."


"Mingi!" Yeosang rushed toward, holding his arm as blood dripped down its side. His face half burned from acid and his lips busted. "Oh, God! I am so fucking sorry- Is that a child?"

They decided to meet where they parked the van, most of them already there beside San and Wooyoung, and Yunho.

"Yes," Mingi placed down VIctoria gently, patting her head as she clung onto his leg, scared of Yeosang's. "This is Victoria. She is nine-years old and is looking for her brother, Sam. But nevermind that. What the fuck happened to your face?"

" enemy."

"Holy fuck," Wooyoung said behind him. "That doesn't look good," he said, referring to both Yeosang and Mingi.

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