My Name

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y/n's last name was originally Jackson but I'm gonna change it to Brady because I like it better.

Marsai's P.O.V

I walked into Allen High on this boring Tuesday. Another day of being an absolute nobody. You always hear how high school is supposed to be one of the greatest moments in your life. Well I'm senior and that moment still hasn't came.

Maybe it's because I don't put myself out there. I've lived here in Allen, Texas my whole life. I don't go to parties or hang out, and I only have two friends. They're my best friends actually. I've known them since elementary school.

Everyone else that knows me is because they want my help in getting them to pass their classes. I've been given the title as the schools nerd because I'm smart and take my work very seriously. No one actually sees me as anything other than that.

It's kinda crazy to me since my friends are popular and I'm not. One is a cheerleader and the other is head of the drama department. I'm not a part of anything at this school. Speaking of them, I met up with them once I reached my locker.

"Hey Mari." Coco and China said with a smile.

She's the popular cheerleader which means China is the boss of the drama club. I'm actually very grateful for them. No matter how popular they've gotten they still have been there for me when I needed them.

"Hey y'all." I respond.

"I heard that the Bailey sisters are throwing a party on Saturday. We should go." China said.

"Y'all know I don't do parties." I say opening my locker.

"You don't do anything. You need to get yourself out there. This is the last year of our high school journey. You gotta break out that shell of yours." Coco responds.

I sighed knowing that she was right. I do need to get myself out there. I just like being to myself. I don't see anything wrong with that. But I do really want to have one moment where it feels like a movie. High school in movies be looking so fun.

"I also heard that Y/N fucked both the Bailey sisters. I don't know if that's true though so don't quote me." China gossiped.

"Damn both Chloe and Halle? That's legendary." Coco laughed.

I stayed silent on this one. I know exactly how Y/N is. Everyone in this town does. She's the star of the basketball team plus her parents own a successful business. She's the definition of popular.

I remember first seeing her in middle school. Seventh grade to be exact. That's when the crush developed. She's always been the cool kid. Which is exactly why she'll never see me.

I'm not the type of girl that she'd go after anyway. Coco is more her type. The popular cheerleader type of girls. Or any known girl that throw's themselves at her in general. Because a lot of girls do that.

I closed my locker after doing what I needed to do. I stayed quiet on the rumor. They didn't know about my crush and I made sure to never tell them. I wouldn't be able to deal with the teasing or them possibly telling her or anyone else.

"Hey Coco, baby." Kelly said approaching us.

He's one of Y/N's best friends along with LaMelo who was with him. They're all on the basketball team together. Kelly flirts with Coco every day. It's like a routine at this point. I think she likes it but she never really flirts back. Actually she may like leading him on.

"Hey Kelly." Coco chuckled.

China eyed LaMelo but didn't say anything. That girl likes him. We all know that for a fact. He checks her out like he be feeling her too. I don't know why they won't say anything.

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