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Marsai's P.O.V

Who knew you could wake up in a good mood on a Thursday? I didn't but I guess I do now. Last night was actually nice.

Y/N ended up coming over. She claimed that she wanted to get more studying in and we did. But it was a lot more than just that.

She ended up meeting my mom. With my mother being who she is, she embarrassed me. She showed her my baby pictures. Other than that it was quite adorable how they were getting along. They like each other very much.

We kinda chilled and talked for awhile. It was really nice. She's really nice. I don't know why I had this vision of her being mean. Guess I stereotyped her.

I finished my hair and makeup before getting dressed. I'm not really big on makeup but today I felt the need to dress up. You know, start putting myself out there.

I decided to dress a little different today as well. I feel slightly more confident in myself than any other day. I settled with a brown pantsuit outfit.

I put on my favorite jewelry as well as my favorite perfume

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I put on my favorite jewelry as well as my favorite perfume. I chose to go without my glasses for the day.

I figured that my mom was already gone for work and I turned out to be correct. I made myself some breakfast before leaving.

Getting to school was like any other day. But walking down the hallway was different. I felt more eyes on me than usual. Like people were actually starting to see me.

Like always, I met up with China and Coco. They both looked a little surprised.

"Bitch, look at you. Looking like a sexy CEO." Coco said making me chuckle.

"That's true. But you never dress like this, something's gotta be up." China spoke.

"Nothing is up. I just wanted to do something different." I say.

I got this feeling that someone was staring at me. I looked around until I seen Y/N, who was the one staring. Wow, I did not expect that.

She smiled and waved at me, also catching me off guard. Nonetheless I did it back. I don't know if it was in my head but it looked like she winked at me. She looked back towards Kelly, making me look back at the girls.

Stuff like this is exactly why I can't get rid of this crush. I had the opportunity to do it before yet I didn't. Now that I'm actually around her it's almost impossible.

"Did you and Y/N just wave at each other?" China asked.

"And did she wink at you? What the hell did we miss?" Coco added.

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