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Y/N's P.O.V

I walked out the class alongside Coco. I was excited to see Marsai. Every time I see her feels like the first time. I get happy every single time. I can never get tired of seeing her face.

"Man, yo mama was mad today. Talking about a damn pop quiz." I say.

"Nigga how many times do I have to say that Ms. Hudson isn't my mother?" Coco asked.

"I don't care how many times you say it. Maybe you were adopted at birth. You'd be too young to remember it anyway." I respond.

"Be serious right now. You've met my mother before, we look just alike." She replies.

"That's true. I seen her at the last game too and surprisingly she still loves me. I just got the sauce." I chuckle.

"It's because you weren't the one that messed up. Let the roles be reversed and you wouldn't be getting that same treatment." Coco said.

"Seriously though, you think we should tell Marsai? If she find out on her own, it's gonna be a lot worse." I say looking over at her.

"How will she find out? Literally not a soul that would snitch knows. Although I do think we should have that conversation with her. I would take it to the grave but eventually it would start eating at me." She answered.

I think the right thing for us to do would be to tell her. I don't know how to approach that subject though. The important thing to mention is that I don't feel that way for Coco anymore. It came and it went. Simple as that.

I feel like just coming out and saying 'Coco and I used to be in a secret relationship' would be too much to handle at once. I don't know though but I'll figure it out.

"Yeah me too." I agree.

I met up with Melo and Kelly, after noticing that Marsai wasn't by her locker like she usually is. The guys started talking about the biggest party of the year.

"You know it's that time. What's the move?" Melo asked.

"We went last year and we going this year." I say.

Every year one of the fraternities at UNT, University of North Texas, throws the biggest party of the year. High schoolers in the area are welcome. Although this party is so major that people have come from different states just to attend. Basically a real life Project X.

I pulled my phone out to see where Marsai was but was met with a text from her. She want me to meet her at our spot. I'm confused but nonetheless I'm going to see what's up.

"I'll catch y'all later." I tell the boys before walking out the double doors of the school.

I got into my truck and headed to the wooded area in a timely manner. I seen her car and parked beside it. If she wanted to come way out here to talk then it can't be good. A million different things started going through my brain.

I spotted her sitting on a log, playing with some leaves. She seemed to be in thought, yet she also looks upset. I'm starting to get a bad feeling.

"What's going on?" I asked making my presence known.

You used to date my best friend." Marsai said not making eye contact with me.

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