Birthday Dates

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Marsai's P.O.V

I woke up with a bad headache. The sunlight beaming through the windows did not help at all. Looking around, I took notice that this isn't my room.

This is Y/N's big ass room. It just screams athlete. I also noticed that I was wearing her clothes. I don't remember much of that party at all or what led to me being in her bed.

"Good morning." Y/N said walking in the room.

"Morning." I reply.

"There's some Tylenol and water next to you. I know your head probably hurts. Also, happy birthday." She responded with a smile.

"Thank you. Can you tell me what happened last night?" I ask taking the medication.

She sat on the bed next to me. Literally every time we're close I get chills. It's ridiculous at this point.

"Well after our friends separated us, you decided to try alcohol. I was told you had way too much. I couldn't take you home like that. Your mom likes me and I ain't messing that up. I told her you were here from your phone. That's about it." She replied.

"How did you get in my phone?" I wondered.

"Passcode is your birthday. Anybody could really hack you if they wanted to." Y/N said.

"It's the easiest thing for me to remember." I say in self defense.

"Understandable. I, uh, have an extra toothbrush in the bathroom and stuff. After that, come downstairs." She said before walking out.

I did my business which took me like ten minutes. I followed her orders and went downstairs, the smell of food getting stronger.

Hearing noise in the kitchen, that's where I assumed she was. There was different foods all over the island. Did she cook this?

"What is this?" I ask making my presence known.

"This is what I call a birthday buffet. Obviously for the birthday girl." Y/N answered.

The assortment of foods is quite astonishing. It's actually a lot of my favorite foods. I wonder how she figured that out. "You cooked all of this?"

"Of course. I'm the best chef you'll ever meet." She replied.

Tall, athletic, strong, sexy, and can cook. The list just keeps growing. Which is making it a lot harder for me to keep my feelings under control.

The food was delicious. I was curious why she would go out her way to do this for me. Nonetheless, it's nice and I really appreciate it.

"Before I forget, I got you something. Since I found out about your birthday only two days ago, it's kind of last minute. But I hope you like it." Y/N said.

Now I'm even more curious as to why she's doing these nice things. I would've been happy with a simple 'happy birthday' which she already told me. But over the days we've spent together, I learned she's a really sweet person. Maybe this is just who she is.

She handed me a small box. I was a little hesitant on taking it. I opened it up to see a gold charm bracelet. It's a really nice. One of the charms is my initial. For it to be something that's last minute, it's quite thoughtful.

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