Movie Dates

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Marsai's P.O.V

I sat in the bleachers as I watched the basketball game. This is actually my first time watching this team play. Watching Y/N play if I'm being specific.

She's the star athlete so automatically I knew that she was good. That's an understatement though. She's the greatest athlete I've ever seen. No exaggeration.

I don't know much about sports but I know enough to know that she's killing it. I see why she's always on it when it comes to working out and practicing. I would've been tired before the game even started.

Over the past week I thought a lot about what Coco said. The whole virginity thing and how it should happen with someone important. I want Y/N to take it. I'm very sure about that.

I'm also sure that I want it to happen soon. How soon? Really soon. As crazy or weird as it may sound, I've watched some videos on the internet for tips and what to expect. Who knew porn is all over the internet the way that it is?

The pleasure those women felt, I wanna feel. I believe I'm ready to lose my virginity. I want to take that next step. Besides prom, it'll complete my high school experience.

The sound of the shot clock buzzing took me out of my thoughts. The game was over and as expected the team had won. When Y/N returned from the locker room, she had on an all black Nike tech outfit with Yeezy slides.

I don't know much about the hype beast fashion but I do know that Nike with Adidas is a crime. Although black looks really good on her. Everything looks great on her. She's so good looking.

Her strong arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. I hugged back, loving the feeling I get every time she touches me.

"You played great today." I say.

"Thank you baby." She smiled while leaning down to kiss me.

"You're coming over, right?" I ask.

"Your dad ain't got anymore questions to ask, does he?" Y/N questions.

The other day when she came over she finally met my father. He ended up pulling her to the side and from what I know, he asked a ton of wild yet intimidating questions.

I don't think it made her uncomfortable or scared her in any way, but I assume she doesn't want to be questioned every time. He does like her though so that's a plus. "Nope, not that I know of."

"We might not even have to worry about him anyway. I planned on taking you out tonight." She said.

I smiled at her. She's literally the sweetest person ever. "Really, where to?"

"You've been talking a lot about that Little Mermaid movie lately. Thought I'd take you to go see it." Y/N replied.

I know she's partly doing this so I can shut up about that movie. You can't blame me though. The little girl in me screamed when I seen the trailer.

"Is this a date?" I asked grabbing on to her hand.

"I mean I'd like to see it as one. Only if that's okay with you." She said a little flustered.

I chuckled getting on my tippy toes to kiss her on the cheek. "You're cute. Now let's go."

I got a lot of stares from almost every girl in this gym, including the stuck up cheerleaders. Minus Coco of course.

I've gotten used to that in such a short period of time. My name being spread around the school in daily gossip talk all because I'm with Y/N. You would think by day three they would find something else to talk about but no.

Y/N's popular, we all knew this. But actually being with her to witness it firsthand is different. Her level of popularity for a high schooler is something that I've never seen before. Not even in movies or anything like that.

Coco was right. My popularity stock rose like crazy. I know that majority, if not all of it, is fake love. These people never noticed me or talked to me before. The amount of people that say hey to me in the hallways now is crazy.

I know most of them talk because they can't believe Y/N is with someone like me. The nerdy and quiet type. Not the smoking hot cheerleader. I've literally heard it myself in the restroom. People gossip all the time.

I made sure to text my mom on whereabouts before we got into her truck. I struggled like usual. I get that she's tall but having a truck this big is crazy. I really do like her truck and how dark it is. Especially the tint.

The drive to the movie theaters from the school was about ten minutes. She had already reserved the tickets which lets me know that she had this planned for longer than I thought.

We stopped at the concession stand to get some snacks. It was a lot of stuff and I know that we ain't even going to eat it all. We do this a lot and I don't know why.

After the concession stand, we went to our seats. The previews were playing so my focus wasn't on the big screen just yet. I had something that I wanted to ask her about. But I'll wait until after the movie.

Y/N's P.O.V

After the movie was over, we threw our trash away. We held hands as we walked back to my truck. It was obvious that she was thinking about something but wasn't going to say anything.

"What's on your mind?" I ask breaking the silence.

Marsai looked at me before looking down at the ground. "Do you want to have sex with me?"

I coughed a little as I choked on my own saliva. It was real evident that she was mentally facepalming herself. There had to be a better way to ask that question.

"I mean you don't have to, I was just curious. Because I've thought about it recently and I just wanted to know. And I am not making this any better." Marsai rambled.

I chuckled. "Of course I do eventually but only when you're ready for that. I don't want to rush you if you're not ready yet."

There was a small smile on her face. "Okay good. I was really hoping I wasn't about to feel anymore embarrassed than I just did."

"Don't be embarrassed. It's a common question." I say.

I helped her into my truck before getting into the drivers side. I was about to go to her house when it seemed like she had different ideas in mind.

"Actually can we go to your house?" Marsai asked with a smirk.

I don't know what that look was for but to my house it is then.


Long overdue I know

Not proofread

Until Next Time

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