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Y/N's P.O.V

Today was the state championship game. Yet I didn't give a damn. After that talk with Marsai on the woods, we haven't spoken since. I know she said she wanted time to think it over, but how long is it really supposed to take?

In all my years of living, I've never felt so lost without someone. It's like I need her the way humans need oxygen. I can't even function properly without her.

I completely understand how she feels. Her feelings is are valid. I would never say or act like her feelings are irrelevant. It's just if Coco is who I wanted, which I don't, I wouldn't have invested so much time in Marsai.

I would've never dragged her along and told her that I love her. I did those things because that's how I feel. Whatever I had with Coco happened and now it's gone. It's been over with.

When I see Coco now, I don't even think about that shit. Everything is about Marsai because that's who I want. That's who I love. Simple as that.

I was in the empty basketball gym, practicing. Working on my shots, handles, doing suicides, and lifting weights. It's the only thing I've been doing for the past three days straight.

Within those days, I haven't even gone to school. Not even being extra, I just think these have been the hardest days of my life. So far that is.

I heard the sound of a door opening and the echoing of footsteps. A tall figure made their way closer to me. I made sure to hideaway in a unknown gym. Who could've found me?

"It is about time I found you. What the hell is going on?" Coco asked.

"What's going on with what?" I respond as if I don't know.

"Don't do that. You know what I'm talking about. You haven't been at school lately. Melo said you haven't been talking to him and Kelly. Marsai has been ignoring everybody. What happened?" She asked again.

"What else do you think happened? She knows. About us, about what we did to Amala, she knows it all. Wanna know who told her? Amala did. She don't know how to feel about it so she just gon' ignore everyone. You know how she is." I reply, and release the ball from my hands.

"Damn." Coco sighed. "Amala really doesn't learn. Alright, I got an idea so you're gonna come with me."

She reached for my arm to drag me along with her but was left in disgust by how sweaty I am. "Ew, first you're gonna clean yourself up. Then we're gonna go."


"What the fuck are we doing at Amala's house? I don't think this is going to help anything. This was one of the problems." I say as we stood outside of the front door.

"We're here to get a better understanding." Coco answered.

"A better understanding of what?" I ask and look over at her.

"That's what we're here to find out." She replied and rung the doorbell.

About twenty to thirty seconds later, the door swung open. Amala, who was in casual clothing, looked confused as she stared at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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