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Y/N's P.O.V

School was over and still nobody heard anything from Marsai. China and Coco went by her house but she wasn't there. I can only imagine how she's feeling right now.

It worries me. I don't know if she's somewhere safe or not. I sat in my room thinking about where she could possibly be. I didn't want to look at the messages.

That would make me just as bad as everyone else. But I was curious. I know that isn't a good excuse. Hopefully something in it would give me an idea as to where she might be.

I opened up my phone, pressing the Snapchat icon. There it was. That anonymous account that Coco was talking about. I clicked on it and it was a bunch of pictures.

Each picture was obviously a page of Marsai's diary. I started reading each one. A lot of it was normal teenage girl shit. But there was a lot of exposed worthy stuff in there about China, Coco, herself, and even me.

She didn't have just some little crush on me. It's major and it started in middle school. None of this makes me like her any less. In fact it makes me like her even more.

As unreasonable as it may be, my father is right. I'm in love with Marsai. I hate that this had to happen for me to realize that. Wonder how long it would have taken if this didn't happen.

There was a page where she was talking about the abandoned train station. That's the place I showed her. Where I told her that if she's ever going through some shit, this is the place to go.

I got up quickly grabbing my keys. It was basically five o'clock and the game starts at 5:30. Yet I wasn't worried about that. I ignored Kelly and Melo's text asking about my whereabouts. Marsai mattered more to me than anything else.

The weather outside was starting to get ugly. The sky was turning gray like it was about to storm. It wasn't raining hard yet, just drizzling. Without getting pulled over, I drove as fast as I could. Took me like ten to fifteen minutes.

I seen her car and felt relieved that she was here. I got out hearing the wonderful sounds of nature. It wasn't pouring rain still but it was harder than before. My clothes and hair were getting wet.

Walking in the wooded area, I seen her sitting on a tree log. The leaves and branches underneath me alerted her. She looked scared to see me and I didn't like that. For now I kept my distance.

"Don't you have an important game that you should be playing in right now?" Marsai asked.

"Maybe I'll get the chance to play in a hundred more important games." I say. "But I'll never get the chance to meet another you."

"What does that even mean?" She questioned sadly.

She just seems so hurt and I don't like it. Whoever is the sole reason for this has something coming their way. They better pray that karma gets them before I do.

"It means that you're one of one. I'll never find someone like you." I reply.

"I know you seen the messages just like everyone else did. Why are you even here? Just go play your game." She responded.

"Marsai I don't care about that damn game and I don't care about your diary." I slightly snapped. "I care about you. I'm here because I care about you. Fuck everybody else if they don't see you the way that I do."

I walked closer to her. Even though it was raining, it was obvious that she was crying. She's too pretty to be crying.

"I don't get it. This is the part where you laugh at me for liking you. For being so stupid to believe that maybe we could be together one day. Everyone else has." Marsai said.

"I'm not everyone else. Maybe we can be together. Maybe I want us to be together." I say looking her in the eyes.

The rain was starting to pour harder, the sound of thunder echoing through the woods. The longer we're here the higher chance we have of getting sick. But it'll be worth it, hopefully.

"W-what?" She asked, confusion written all over her face.

I placed both of my hands on each side of her face and kissed her. Maybe she'll finally understand what I'm getting at. Her plump lips moved in sync with mine. It felt like our lips were made for each other.

When we pulled apart there was a slight smile on her lips. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because I lo-like you." I answer, quickly catching myself.

I slipped up and I know she noticed it. I can tell by her facial expression. She looked at with an even bigger smile. "You love me?"

"I did not say that." I reply.

"You were about to." She replied before kissing me once more. "I love you too."

"Really?" I ask.

"Really." She said.

"Can we get out the rain now?" I chuckled.


Later on that night, I found myself laying in the bed with Marsai. The storm ended up getting worse. Apparently she has a fear of lightning.

I didn't show up to the game either. I know I'm gonna hear a mouthful from coach. I don't know if the team won or not. I'll deal with that tomorrow.

Some things are just more important than others. Like finding out who did this. I ain't forget. Someone is about to see me really soon.

"Who did it?" I asked randomly.

"What?" Marsai questioned.

She sat up and looked at me. I took a deep breath before asking once more. "Who did it?"

I know she knew what I was talking about. I could tell by the way she stopped making eye contact with me. I lifted her head up so that I would be able to hear her correctly.

She sighed deeply. "It was Amala."

Of course it was. I can't stand her. We hooked up once and ever since then she won't leave me alone. I should've known though. This is exactly her type of thing to do.

A lightning strike lit up the dark sky, scaring Marsai a little. I held her close to me as I thought about Amala.

She has another thing coming her way.


doja about to get her ass beat

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Until Next Time

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