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Marsai's P.O.V

I laid in my bed talking to Coco and China who are also here. After Y/N dropped me off last night, we spent all night texting each other. We're still texting each other now.

"You haven't put your phone down once since we've been here. What's going on Mari?" China asked.

"Nothing is going on." I answer.

"I don't believe you." She responded.

"That's on you." I shrug.

"So about the Bailey sisters party later. I know you don't do parties but I think you should go. This is our senior year. We'd at least like to turn up with our girl for the one time." Coco said.

"I'm going." I mumble.

I didn't tell them that I was going yet. Well until now anyway. As unusual as it is for me, I know they would never expect for me to go to a party. I don't do any type of social gatherings honestly. I barely like family reunions.

"Say that again. You serious?" China asked.

"Yeah. Y/N asked me to go with her. She's supposed to be picking me up later." I reply.

"Girl Y/N Brady wants to go to a party with you? I know you said you were tutoring her but damn. Your popularity stock is gonna rise like crazy. That's major." Coco said.

"Wait a minute. We ask you to go and it's a no but it's different when she asks? Now I really know that something is up. You got a crush on her or something?" China questioned.

I choked on my saliva a little. We may have been best friends since elementary school but I'm not telling them that. My diary is the only other thing that knows all the high class tea.

"No, don't be silly." I answer trying to play it off.

She looked at me like she was trying to read the thoughts in my head. It's not their business to know. Some things are better kept as a secret.

"Whatever, what are you wearing? You gotta be fly for your first party. And Y/N better know that we stealing you for some time. My girl is actually stepping out." Coco said searching through my closet.

She's always the turnt one. I can imagine how she's going to be later.


"Wow you look-" Y/N said searching for her words. 

I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing. I let Coco dress me and style my hair. This isn't something that I'd usually wear because I don't ever have any reasons to. This is more Coco's style.

"Do I look bad?" I ask worriedly

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"Do I look bad?" I ask worriedly.

"No, you don't. Far from it. You look amazing." She responded with her eyes scanning all over me.

"Thank you." I say getting nervous under her stare.

She helped me into her truck as we headed to the party. I really like her truck. It's so dark and nighttime drives in here are a big vibe.

"I know you don't do these type of things so if you ever feel really uncomfortable at any point, just stay close to me. I got you." Y/N said once we arrived.

Maybe I should be uncomfortable even if I'm not. It's a free pass to be close to her. I seriously need to get it together. It's like I know these feelings aren't mutual yet I still can't get rid of them. I need help.

We didn't even get inside and yet parties are exactly what I pictured them to be. There's red cups everywhere, people all over the yard, loud ass music, and a strong smell of weed.

I don't understand how people find entertainment in this mess. It just doesn't seem enjoyable. We walked inside to an even bigger crowd of people.

For the first twenty minutes, Y/N made sure that I okay. It wasn't so bad. I wouldn't say that I was enjoying everything. It was more so my time with her that made it okay.

It was all cool until China, Coco, LaMelo, and Kelly approached us at the same time, dragging us away from each other.

Talk about poor timing.


Y/N's P.O.V

These niggas just had to intervene. I always party with my boys so I don't think they expected anything less. But being alone with Marsai is kinda what I wanted more than anything.

I turned down drinking tonight but I didn't say no to smoking. I was with Kelly and Mel for like an hour. Within that time, I managed to get high as hell. I felt good but not good enough.

I split from them and went to find Marsai. It wasn't that hard considering she has on a sparkly ass dress. That she does look really good in. She's so beautiful.

"Heyyyyyy." Marsai said once she saw me.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. China looked at me and sighed. "She wanted to try alcohol. We tried to warn her but she didn't listen."

That sounds nothing like Marsai. "How much did she drink?"

"Way too much. We had to fight to take the cup away from her." Coco answered.

Carol is going to kill me if she finds out that I let this happen. She can't know her daughter is like this and she won't.

"Okay, let's go." I tell Marsai.

"Ooh, where are we going?" She asked, slurring her words.

"My house." I say.

I helped her out the house and into my truck. For someone who doesn't like parties and is against drinking, you would think they wouldn't drink at a party.

When I got home, I had to carry her in the house and up the stairs. I went in my closet to give her something comfortable to wear.

"Put this on." I say handing her the clothes.

She took them and drunkenly stumbled to my bathroom. While she was in there, I took her phone. She looks like the type of person to have their birthday as their passcode. Luckily, I was right.

I opened her messages to text her mother that she'd be here for the night. She texted back fast with an "okay be careful."

I put her phone back and went inside my closet to change. When I came back out she was in the bed already. She looks really good in my clothes.

"Are you good?" I ask.

"I've never been better." Marsai smiled.

It's all good now but she's going to have some serious regrets in the morning. Alcohol ain't nothing to play with. As a first timer she'll learn the hard way.

Before I knew it, she was knocked out. She snored very lightly. It's kinda cute. I wasn't tired yet so I sat back in my gaming chair.

I thought about all of the time I spent with her this week. The weird feelings I get whenever she's around or when she smiles. How close we've gotten in such a short period of time. All of that thinking only made me realize one thing.

I have a crush on Marsai.


the bad/sad moment is coming soon but it's not staying long at all

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Until Next Time.

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