First Time

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Marsai's P.O.V

As soon as we got to Y/N's house, her parents were on the way out. They were having date night. It's quite cute. I really love her parents.

I wanted to come here for a specific reason. I didn't know her parents would be out but that's just a bonus. I want to give Y/N my all. I know her place is the better choice for that.

"Why you making that face?" Y/N asked.

"What face?" I respond.

"Like your thinking about something. Talk to me." She said.

She was laying against the headboard. I rolled over so that I could sit on top of her while also facing her. Y/N just looked at me and smiled. She does that a lot. It's like she's admiring me.

"I think I'm ready." I say.

"Ready for what?" She questioned.

I love my baby. And as smart as she is, she has a lot of slow moments. There's not that many things that I could be talking about. I give her a knowing look and she quickly catches on.

"Oh, are you sure? I don't want you to do this because you think it's what I want." Y/N said.

"So you don't want this?" I ask.

"I mean I do but like I said earlier, it's when your ready." She replied.

"I am ready. I'm sure of it." I reply reassuring her with a kiss.

I know she's scared that she's gonna hurt me and it will hurt, but it's the pain I want. Besides after awhile it won't even hurt anymore. I'm not unsure anymore. I know what I want.

"Uh, okay." Y/N said nervously.

She has no reason to be nervous. If anything it should be me. I know she's done this before. But I love how careful she is with me.

I kissed her to start it off. It got intense as she placed her hands on my hips. Her lips moved down to my neck as she kissed softly. She found a sweet spot that sent immense pleasure through my body, mainly to my core.

I have no clue as to what I'm doing. Obviously since I've never done this before. I'm just going with the flow. More importantly I'm copying what I seen from the videos I watched.

"Can I take this off?" Y/N asked as her fingers grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Please do." I replied in a tone above a whisper. 

She laggardly took off the shirt as I raised my arms to help her. I started to get this uneasy feeling of insecurity. I've never showed myself to anyone. Maybe she won't like my body.

"Hey, don't look like that. You're gorgeous." Y/N said.

It was like she could read my thoughts. She's so good at that. I smiled, feeling some heat rush to my cheeks and my heart. It's time to really get this thing going.

"How about we take this off?" I say messing with her shirt.

Once her shirt was off, her top half was left covered by her Nike sports bra. I could see her tone and hardened abs. They're so defined. I traced along her v-line, kissing her in the process.

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