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Y/N's P.O.V

Today was the day. Monday. Marsai and I stood in the near empty hallways. It was lunch time and I was minutes away from taking the remake.

I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be. I kinda wanted to just get it over with more than anything. If not for Marsai I'd probably feel a totally different way.

"You remember everything we went over right?" Marsai asked.

"Of course. I got this." I reply.

"Okay. I'll be right out here when you're done." She said.

"You promise?" I ask.

I don't know why but today I felt clingy. Like I want her next to me more than she already is. I've been trying to figure out what to do about these feelings that I've discovered.

And the only thing I've figured out is that there isn't anything I can do. I've gotten way to close to her in such a short period of time. This isn't just some silly crush. I'm falling for Marsai.

"I promise." She reassured.

I walked inside the empty classroom, only the teacher in here. I grabbed the paper from her and sat at a random desk. I sighed looking at the twenty questions.

It's not that I didn't know the answers before. I mean I knew some of them. I just never really cared or payed enough attention to it. I prioritize basketball over academics. But don't get it twisted, I'm a smart ass motherfucker.

It took me like fifteen minutes. More than half of that time being used to double check my answers. Being completely satisfied with what I've done, I turned the test in.

I patiently waited as it seemed like it took forever for her to grade it. Seriously she couldn't of went any slower. When she handed me back the paper there was a slight smile on her face.

"Congratulations." She said.

I looked at the test to see a giant red A on it. Fuck yeah. I get to play in the game tomorrow. I walked out the classroom coming into contact with Marsai.

"So how'd it go?" Marsai asked.

"I will be playing in the game." I say showing her the graded paper.

"I'm so proud of you." She said with a huge smile.

Out of excitement, I hugged her. To my surprise she returned the hug. But it wasn't a normal hug. For starters it lasted longer than a simple one would.

"So I guess this is the part where you don't need me anymore." Marsai spoke once we finally pulled apart.

"Don't be crazy. I thought we talked about this already. We're friends now, I'll always need you. And not just for your brain." I reply.

I hate having these feelings. I hate being just friends with her. It kinda hurt to even say that we're just friends. The friend zone is not a cool place to be in.

"I know. I just kind of wanted you to say that again." She responded.

"Unfortunately for you, you can't get rid of me now." I say.

"Oh no, what have I done?" Marsai said playfully.

In all seriousness, what have I done? I had no business catching feelings for her. I gotta talk to somebody about this.


"Dad, I need your advice on something." I say sitting down on the couch.

"You really trust his advice? The last time you asked him, you were benched in your first playoff game." My mother said.

"Hey, the coach may have not agreed but it was still good advice to follow." My dad defended.

She does make a good point but I don't think she'll be much help with this problem. Then again who knows, she does have a lot of the answers.

"That's fair but it's about a girl." I say.

"Oh." My mom said in a surprised tone. "Well I'll leave y'all to it."

I watched her walk out the room before turning to face my father. "So what's going on kiddo?"

I sighed preparing to tell him what's been on my mind. "I like this girl and I don't know how to go about it."

"Well tell me about her so I can get a better understanding." He said.

"She's like the most beautiful person I've ever seen and I'm not just talking about her looks. She's smart and funny. I've never wanted to be around someone so much. And she just gets me, she understands me. I've never felt this feeling before." I respond.

I had this image of Marsai in my head the whole time. I like the way she smiles and the way she smells. I like hearing her voice and the way she laughs. Ugh, feelings are the most stupid things to have.

"Sounds to me like you love this girl." My dad said.

I looked at him with a crazy facial expression. "Huh, that's not possible. I didn't even fully know her until last week."

"Yes it is. It's all in your tone. I was about your age, maybe a little younger, when I met your mother. High school sweethearts. I fell in love the moment she told me her name. You can't control when you love someone. It kinda just happens." He replied.

He's either on to something or he's on something. There's no way you could fall in love with someone in a week. It just doesn't sound reasonable. But him and my mom have been together for like 25 years now. Maybe he's right.

"Even then, what do I do about it?" I ask.

"Well you can tell her how you feel or you can be stuck with the way you're already feeling. Admitting feelings is scary but maybe something good will come out of it. It's a risk you have to be willing to take." He said.

"Yeah, thanks dad." I mumble. "Also she's coming over later so do not try to embarrass me."

He chuckled. "Try and tell that to your mother. She's the one that you should worry about. Don't get in your too much about the whole thing because I know will."

He walked out the room, leaving me alone. I took in everything he said to me. I don't know if I can tell her.

I don't know if I can take the risk of losing her.


y'all ready?

It won't be too bad, I promise

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Until Next Time

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