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Amala is Doja Cat



Marsai walked into school on what she originally thought was a wonderful Tuesday morning. She met up with her friends like always. It was just a normal day for her.

The only difference was the addition of her new friendship with Y/N. She remembered the events of last night. She met Y/N's parents. They were everything that Y/N said they were. Tall and really nice. She likes them a lot.

Speaking of Y/N, they spoke for a little as she offered to walk Marsai to class. Y/N decided to tell Marsai how she felt, just not yet. She was going to wait a little longer. To make sure that her feelings are real.

She wanted to see if her father was right. She wanted to find out if it is love that she's feeling. She wants to know if she loves Marsai.

The first half of the day went quickly and pretty smoothly. It wasn't until fifth period where things started getting bad. Bad for Marsai that is. The hallway was slightly empty since there wasn't many classes in this area.

Being distracted by her own thoughts, she bumped into the school's biggest bully. Amala Dlamini. She's on the cheer team alongside Coco. Amala is what you describe as a real life Regina George.

All of the books in both girls hands landed on the floor, scattered around. Marsai sighed preparing for whatever Amala was about to say or do.

"Next time watch where you're going, nerd." Amala said harshly.

They both picked up their respective books. Except for one. They each had an identical notebook. One being Amala's science journal. The other being Marsai's diary.

After the collision, Marsai went straight to class. The almost hour long period was how it usually was until the final ten minutes. Everyone looked was on their phones reading the messages that they've been sent.

Some students giggled as majority of the class looked at her. Marsai looked confused. She had no idea what was going on. When the bell rang, she simply walked out of the room. She wondered what that could possibly be about.

"Hey nerd." Marsai heard.

She turned around to see who it was. Of course it was Amala again. Just like majority of the people in this school, she couldn't stand her.

"What do you want?" Marsai asked already over it.

"I know about your little, or should I say big, crush on Y/N." Amala said making Marsai's heart drop. "In fact, I know a lot more than that and so does everyone else in this school. How pathetic of you to have a crush on someone that will never like you back. She'd never date someone like you."

Marsai didn't know what to do. This couldn't be happening right now. This is a dream. That's what she thought at least. That's what she had hoped.

"Oh and the entire school knows too. I think this belongs to you." Amala said switching their books back. "Bye nerd."

Marsai started having a hard time breathing. All of her secrets were exposed to everyone. She couldn't believe it. As she walked through the halls, the students were staring and laughing. She was about to have a panic attack.

Unable to deal with it any longer, Marsai dashed out of the school. She went straight to her car and broke down. She decided to leave to the one place that she could think of.

On the other hand was an unknowing Y/N. She didn't see the viral messages. Not yet at least. She was aware of everyone looking at her more than usual. Something felt off to her. She knew something was wrong.

"I can't believe you." Coco said approaching Y/N.

"I can't believe myself either. Now what did I possibly do?" Y/N asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. I can't believe Marsai even has a crush on you. Why would you expose her personal diary to everyone?" Coco asked.

Y/N looked at Coco not believing the words that just came out of her mouth. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Shit like this didn't happen until she started hanging out with you. You're really fucked up for that." Coco replied.

"Courtney I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Why would I put Marsai's personal business out there for everyone to know? What happened?" Y/N questioned.

Coco was starting to notice that Y/N really is clueless. She wasn't just acting. She suddenly felt a little bad for confronting Y/N like that. But Marsai is her best friend and she's trying to look out for her.

"Every single person in the school got sent pictures from some anonymous snapchat account. It was pics of stuff from Marsai's diary. China and I have called and texted her multiple times but she's not responding. She left school. We don't know where she is." Coco explained.

Y/N sighed hearing the issue. Who the fuck would do such a thing to someone as sweet as Marsai? It pissed Y/N off. She made a silent note to figure out who did this because she planned on beating them the fuck up.

"If she didn't respond to y'all then I doubt she'll respond to me. I'll try anyway though. I'll let you know if I hear anything."  Y/N said.

"Yo you seen them messages? Shit is crazy." LaMelo asked Y/N as him and Kelly showed up.

Y/N gave him a cold stare letting him know that she was not in the mood. He put his hands up in defense.

"Never mind." He quickly said.

The boys started talking about the game that was later today but suddenly Y/N had no interest in that. Right now she was worried about Marsai. She pulled out her phone and texted the girl hoping she would reply.

She replayed what Coco said. She was so confused at the time that she didn't catch on. Her reaction is very late but she couldn't believe it.

Marsai likes her after all.


poor marsai 🥺

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Until Next Time

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