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Y/N's P.O.V

I sat in the classroom with Kelly and LaMelo. There wasn't anything for us to really do so we just talked. Teachers don't have us do much on Fridays.

I was actually looking forward to seeing Marsai. The past couple days that I've spent with her have been really nice. The more I know about her the cooler she gets to me. There's something about her that makes me want to be around her a lot.

It's this feeling I get when she's around. I don't know what it is. But I do know that I like it.

"We barely see yo ass anymore. Ain't no way you studying that damn hard for that remake." Melo said.

"Nah, she been hanging out with that nobody." Kelly says.

"That who?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"That girl that be with Coco and China." He answers.

"You mean Marsai? She's not a nobody. You hit on her best friend everyday yet you don't even have the decency to know her name. Do better." I say somewhat.

Something about that really pissed me off. She's not a nobody. At least not to me. She's everything you wouldn't expect her to be and I like it.

"Why you getting so defensive about the school nerd?" LaMelo asked.

"Don't call her that. Her name is Marsai. If you ain't gon address her as that then don't address her at all." I say.

The bell rang right after. I got up and walked straight out the class. I love them niggas to death but they just got on my nerves really bad. I don't think I've ever gotten mad so fast before.

They just don't see her like I do but I don't expect to either. Although that still don't make it right. I walked into the library sitting at the usual table.

"You look mad. You okay?" Marsai asked.

"I'm okay now." I answer with a reassuring smile.

Crazy because I really am okay now. Like the anger quickly disappeared the moment I saw her. Really strange to me.

We didn't spend the whole lunch period doing work. We didn't need to since I pretty much understood the assignment now. I really appreciate all her help. Having high hopes that I'll pass, she's going to receive the biggest thanks.

"Wait, your birthday is on Sunday? Why you ain't tell me? I thought we were friends." I say.

"We're friends?" Marsai asked like she was unsure.

"I mean I think so unless you don't. I would like for us to be." I reply.

"Yeah we're friends." She said but it sounded like she was saying it more to herself than me.

"Cool." I say probably smiling harder than I should.

I got this warm feeling in my chest. Didn't know how to explain it. I'm just gonna assume that it's hot in here.


Later on after school, I found myself at Marsai's house. She wasn't here, I think she's out with her friends. I was helping her mother with something.

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