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>> one - duty calls <<

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- - I HUFF as I plant my foot on the low-life's hand, getting a fist full of hair to rag upwards so that I met the sad excuse of a thief and murderer face to face.

"Tell me your name, criminal." I spat at them. Blood dripped from their broken nose and tangled into their black, matted beard. A wobbly grin spread across their face.

"Like I'll tell a wannabe hero like y-" the back of my hand firmly met their face with a hard whack, that's going to bruise.

"Name or this pretty little bat will crush your skull quicker than you can cry for your mommy." I threw on my sarcastic tone and wiggled my blood-stained steel bat in their face. Sirens wailed in the distance and was slowly getting louder. I turned around and smiled brightly.

"Well, looks like you'll live another sad pathetic day! Be kind to my associates and tell them Cirrus sends her regards."

No sooner than the police arrived was the criminal tied firmly to the nearby lamppost with a post-it note stuck to their boot that read:

You're Welcome GCPD!
~ C.

I leapt from roof to roof with the cold night Gotham wind billowing in my face. I felt free. About 13 buildings down, I found my apartment complex and was soon swinging from balcony to balcony until I reached my own. The white mask that covered my face was pulled off and I shook my hair free of its binding.

I pulled off my brown glove on my right hand and pushed my thumb up to the fingerprint scanner. This was the highest tech I could 'temporarily borrow' from GCPD offices. They still haven't found out it was me.
The light went green, and I pushed my sliding door open. I shut it again until I heard the click and machine beeping twice to let me know it was locked again. That was also 'borrowed' from GCPD, but they got that one replaced by a guy from Burnley.

My german shepherd, Zeus, lazily lifted his head with his heckles raised. Once he spotted it was me though, he started happily wagging his tail and came bounding over to me, nearly knocking me over. I started playing with the soft fur behind his ears and down his neck, cooing to the animal.

"Hi baby, you miss me?" I giggled, just becoming aware of the drying blood slowly seaping into his dark brown fur. He could smell it. Jumping down from me he shakes his head, letting small spats of blood paint the glass sliding door and my lovely Alice blue walls. I sighed and slipped my other glove off, putting them on the nearby kitchen counter and carefully slipping off my black bomber jacket. That also had blood stains splattered around the edges and sleeves.

I slipped off my thick boots and realised just how much height they give me, atleast 2 inches. I huff a laugh and make my way over to the bathroom, taking my suit off as I go. Zeus goes back to his bed for a nap. Lazy dog. I grab a grey towel from the railing before I shut the door and flip the shower on. I realise just how beaten and bruised my face and sides are. He was a low-life, but he new how to punch. Most criminals have to in Gotham, or they die faster than you can say 'bath'.

I turn my head to get a look at the red mark starting to form at my temple. He held the tip of a knife there and hit me with the hilt. Then I travelled to the thin graze on my cheek from where his keys tried to cut my mask off, I'll have to stich it later. I stood on my tip-toes and lifted my arm up to see the bruises forming over my ribs and stomach. Gold knuckle protectors do more damage than I thought through bullet proof vests under latex suits. I dropped my arm when I felt a tingle along my wrist and thumb. A mark off the knife he slashed down my hand that caught me off guard when I lost my glove in a scuffle. My nails were black with grime and gravel stuck under them, which irritated me like hell.

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