~ 10.

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>> ten – old habits <<

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— – EVALEEN THREW her head back and howled with laughter, cheering at the fireworks we had lit off for New Years. I took a sip of my beer and cheered with her, laughing as she danced about the garden.

"A full year Mia! One whole year in Chicago," she sighed and slumped into her chair, "I feel unstoppable." I giggled and sat next to her on the grass, leaning my head on her knee.

"Then you'll be happy to know that I've booked something special for your birthday tomorrow!" I grinned at her, taking another sip of beer. She made a fake shocked face.

"What have you planned now with old dad's money?"

"You'll have to wait and see, dear old sister of mine."

"You're the one that's older by like 2 minutes." She slapped the back of my head. I laughed and rubbed the stinging area.

"Best two minutes of my life!"

She gasped and tackled me to the floor, tickling my sides and stomach which sent me into a laughing fit.

— — ——— —

"We knew you'd love that movie!" I grinned, wrapping an arm around Evaleen's shoulder. Daniel copied and pinched her cheek.

"We thought only the best for our ickle-baby sister." He made a baby voice at her while she slapped his hand away. I laughed at the pair of them and opened the car door.

"I call shotgun!"

"Birthday girl gets shotgun, Dan." He threw me an 'are-you-serious' look and grumbled off to the back. Evaleen flicked his ear and jumped in.

"I get the aux cord though!" Me and Eva looked at eachother and rolled our eyes. I handed him the cord with a heavy sigh.

"Fine. But none of that Eminem or whatever. His lyrics give me a headache." Eva added. Dan rolled his eyes and pulled the wire into his phone.

— — ——— —

"This morning, 14 year old Evaleen Grady has been found dead in a warehouse in Gotham City, New Jersey. Police are saying that this was targeted aggression at the young woman, although it cannot be traced to which lunatic in the area. We have more on the case la-"





"Amellia, please for the love of God!" I whisper-shouted at my phone. Breathing was getting worse by the second.


"I need your help."

"Now isn't the best time, sorry. Someone's head has just exploded all over me and caused a riot. Wait- aren't you in work?" I gasped as the thick wire around my neck got tighter. I heard the trigger clicking next to my ear.

"No, I'm not. These guys got to me while you were away and-"

"Careful, sugar. I'd hate to put a bullet in that pretty little head of yours." The man growled darkly down my ear. I stiffened my posture as he pushed the cold gun harder against my temple. I felt dizzy, nauseous.

"Holy shit, Kath. Sit tight. I'll get you help!" Before I could tell her not to, she hung up. Dread flooded over me.

Oh God Mia, please don't do something stupid.



I nearly slammed the phone on the bathroom sink whilst I was washing off and changing. Kath was gone. She got kidnapped.

The bomb in his mouth.

Him dying.

It was all a distraction.

And now that I think about it, that didn't look like the thug at the club. It wasn't him. He was still out scotch free. And the guy...

That was William. One of the officers. He must have showed up first and got taken in. They were two steps ahead of us.

"Fuck..." I groaned, shoving my phone in my pocket and putting all my bloodied clothes in the plastic bag they had given me. I picked up my bag with the now blood covered files and stormed outside, to where the chaos was happening. I had to find the Boss.

That didn't take long. He was shouting orders at people to clean up and get back into order, also to investigate what the fuck just happened. I gripped at the note from William's watch and stormed up to him.

"Hey boss! We have a big issue."


706 words

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