~ 18.

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>> eighteen — Queen of Diamonds <<

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BLACK is all I could see for a while. Darkness of my eyelids. My stomach felt like it was eating itself from the inside out. And everything smelled....salty. Like the sea. Like the docks. My eyes snapped open, but something grey was covering them. I'm blindfolded. I tried standing up, but I was met with the sound of a scrapping chair against concrete floor. I'm tied to a chair by my feet and wrists. The chair has no rubber protections on the feet, it's metal judging by how cold it is and the sound it made. Most of Gotham is built on concrete, but this is the North West Side, smells mostly of salt, piss and rusty metal.

I'm not actually near the water, I'd be able to hear it otherwise. Atleast I know I'm not going to be pushed into the water and be force to swim back up or drown trying.

There was the ticking of heels on concrete and two pairs of heavy boots echoing behind. I'm inside or just in a small space with nothing in.

The three people were muttering in a language I didn't know, but recognised. Croatian. I've been kidnapped by Branka and her goons. Just wonderful.

One of them snapped their fingers and the heavy footsteps moved towards me. I tried shuffling away to little avail. The blindfold was removed and my eyes readjusted to the low light. I'm outside. I am by the docks, where the containers are. How cliché.

"Hello, madam Grady." Branka greeted me with a wicked grin. She had on a thick, black fur coat and a long, white dress that accented her body. Seriously, where does she get her clothes because I need to go there.

"Evening, snob." Perfect Mia, torment the sicco. Her face contorted into a look of irritation and she shook her head to the side, tutting.

"I am no snob."

"Mhm, say that to your outfit Cruella de Ville!"

She scoffed and walked behind me. Neither of the goons went. I tried looking behind me but one of the goons snapped my head back around to face their brute-like size. I started scanning any weak points. I didn't have my knife anymore but they had guns and I was still in this stripper outfit.

"I have to say, madam Grady, this would have not happened had you come with us on the night of Tuesday." She stated whilst doing whatever she was doing behind me. I heard the shutter of a camera. She was taking pictures of me.

"You know, it's rude to take pictures of people without there permission!" I shouted behind me. She simply laughed and stalked back around me, running her hand along the back of my chair until we were face to face.

"These are just for the press when they report you missing tomorrow." She talked innocently. I scoffed and started scanning for a way out.

I was on a platform, the four thick yellow and black stripes confirmed that. There was a lever too far away for me to reach and a bodyguard looking man in a black suit stood next to it. The camera shutter clicked again at the side of my face.

"You know, you are fascinating to me." she began, her heels ticking again as she walked around to face me head on now. I said nothing.

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