~ 15.

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>> fifteen — business outside <<

— — — ———————— — — —

— – IT'S NOT everyday to have to explain to an old butler that works for one of the richest men in America about your secret identity. And it's also not everyday to find out that this old butler and one of the richest men in America has weapons in virtually every room in their massive manor. But it's probably the most Gotham thing to occur, and one of the most normal Gotham things to happen. There's a reason for the saying 'only in Gotham' after all.

I thanked Alfred and swiftly left the room to go upstairs and get a shower. Not having a panic attack this time. Although my mind kept travelling back to that woman. Brianna or whatever her name is. I think it's Bianca? It started with a 'b' and ended with an 'a', that's all I remember of it. What could her gang want with me? And why me of all people? I've never met them before. And the only one of their kind I've killed were those lanky old twins in their mid 50's. And that note...I'll have to show it to Jason. He might be able to translate it. If I can find it that is. I'm sure I put it in my draw somewhere.

I turned the shower off after washing my hair, wrapping a towel around myself I left the bathroom and started digging through my drawers to find it. It should be too hard, there's only a few things in there anyways.

"Ahah!" I cheered, pulling it out from under my laptop charger. I looked it over and spotted some writing on the back. A phone number and address.

Come speak to me. Bring no one but you.

~ Ba.Jv.

Right, so that's definitely a trap. I picked my phone up from the white totebag and pre-dialed the number. I'll phone it later. Right now, I need to dry myself off.

Just as I did and slipped on a blue shirt, my phone began ringing. It was Boss.

"Hey Boss, what's up?" I spoke immediately.

"We need you here now. Like right now, Grady." He spoke sternly and with desperation. Something I had heard a million times from him.

"On my way, see you soon Boss." I hung up and groaned. What the hell could they possibly want? Last time I was in work someone got their brains blown out. Literally. I zipped my black jeans up and threw on a soft, navy blue hoodie. I put my gun that work legally gave me in it's back holster, slipped my knife into the sleeve pocket and put my phone in my back pocket. I quickly rushed downstairs.

"Alfred! I've gotta go to work! I'll be back for dinner, I promise!" I shouted down the hall. I just hope he heard me because I left before he could reply. It's a big echoing house, I'm sure he heard me.

Jason's bike was gone so I'm guessing he's gone back to his safehouse. I hopped into my car and drove off quickly.

— — ——— — —

I speed walked into the office, feeling a little weird to not see Kath's bright orange hair from across the room. I made my way into Boss' office. He was sat at his desk speaking to someone.


"Hello gentlemen." I smiled. They both turned to look at me, Boss had the constant sour look on his face while Dick looked kinda happy to see me.

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