~ 13.

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>> thirteen - open wounds <<

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— – I GROANED when I sat up, rubbing the crust out of my eyes. It was pitch black in the room, only the little lights by the door allowed me to see. I got out of bed and looked around. There was shuffling.

"Jason?" I asked to the darkness. No reply. I grabbed my phone from the side table and flicked on the torch. Carefully, I walked towards the couch. Empty.

"Jason? Where are you?" I looked around the room again and heard scratching from the roof.

Fuck, he better hadn't.

I rushed towards where the door was and tried opening it.

"Access denied. Unrecognised fingerprint."

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" I shouted at the machine before running up to the window. I pushed against the window panes until one clicked and opened. Hidden door. Nice one, Jay.

I stood on the edge, back out to the wind. One slip and I'm dead. My knuckles were turning white as I gripped at the very small ledge to the roof. I sucked in air through my teeth and pulled myself up. My legs were dangling by the glass door.

I scanned for any sign of Jason, and there he was. Stood on the edge.

"Jason!" I called out. He stopped moving forward and stood back, looking at me. I scrambled up and ran at him. My arms wrapped around his waist as I pulled him back. It's like moving 20 sacks of wet sand.

I dug my head into his back, "please, for the love of God, Jason."

"Amellia...?" He spoke just above a whisper. He turned properly to face me. Blood shot eyes, tear marks down his face.

"It's me, Jason. I'm here, it's okay." My hands cupped his face as I spoke. He gripped my wrists and pulled my hand away.

"Don't touch me!" He shouted with no real malace. I sighed and nodded.


We stood in silence a moment. I took a seat on the edge of the roof and looked out over Gotham. I couldn't see much in the fog and smoke below, but that doesn't make it any less 'pretty'. He stood beside me, breathing heavy and shallow.

"Is there a reason you're up here?" I questioned. I didn't expect an answer.

"I don't want to talk about it."


He gave a pained chuckle and groaned, sitting beside me.

"Is this about before?"

He grumbled, "maybe."

"What triggered it?"

"I dunno."

"That's okay."

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