~ 16.

137 4 1

>> sixteen – approval <<

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— – THE TAXI drove quickly to this Ozzy place. On the drive there it was silent, only the shitty music on the radio filling the silence. That was good though. It gave me time to think.

Maria and Lexi could be working with Branka, maybe that's why the place was chose. The trap just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

"Hey, you okay?" Dick asked, placing a warm hand on my shoulder. I just realised how much tension was in them, so I quickly relaxed.

"Yeah," I smiled at him, "just thinking."

"You think a lot."

"One to talk." I smirked at him. My eye caught the red gems in the bracelet so I stared at it and zoned out for a moment.

"Can I see that?" He held his hand out, looking between me and the bracelet. I glanced at him and shrugged, handing him my wrist whilst I looked put the window at the depressing buildings going by. It's near the outskirts of Gotham by the North Coast, I made note. I also had Boss on speed dial incase something goes south.

Dick hummed and let go of my wrist, frowning and thinking.

"Why the long face, Grayson?" I joked. He shook his head and huffed, now looking up and smiling at me.

"Nothing. Did you say Jason gave you it?" I raised a brow.

"Yes..." I dragged out, "it used to belong to his mom so it has to be pretty special to him."

"Yeah, yeah." Dick didn't sound to be fully paying attention, but it didn't matter really. "So, tell me more about you sleeping with him?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and ignored the subject change.

"I didn't sleep with him! We shared a bed, we had our own sides, like adults do." I made a face at the grinning Grayson, who hummed and nodded as if I was a child telling a stupid lie. "Honestly you kiss a guy one time." I threw gasoline at the fire that is Dick's imagination. He gasped dramatically.

"You kissed?!" He shouted loudly. I put my hand over his mouth and shushed him with a finger to my lips.

"Not loud enough for all of Gotham to hear you, thanks." I smiled thinly at him and took my hand off hid mouth, looking back out of the window. I could feel his stupid smirk and eyes burning into my side. When I looked back over he was making fake kissing noises.

I scoffed, "childish." I looked back out the window and grew an idea, quickly patting the driver's seat. "Drop us here, please." He raised a brow and pulled over. I stepped out and looked around, nodding. This is the place. Dick got out after me and shut the door before handing the taxi guy some money. My eyes travelled from tall building to tall building, I knew this place.

"Are we close to Ozzy's? Where are we?" He asked, staring at me. I hummed and looked at him.

"This is the neighbourhood where I grew up, more specifically the old orphanage I grew up in once my parents over dosesed." I spoke casually as if it were a normal occurance, and Dick reacted as if it were normal aswell with a sad expression. I sighed and stared at the rundown building, reliving all the escape routes I got so close to achieving.

I broke the silence, "course, it's now a shitting looking shop with a bar above it, but it still has the same pathetic aura about it. Oh," I smiled and pointed to the very top window, 4 windows up from a ledge, "that was where I tried to escape for the first time. I was caught of course and disciplined. But I'm proud to say the mission was a success after the 9th time around." Dick chuckled and turned to face the building aswell. I tutted and shook my head. Just remember what we were doing, I pulled my phone out and started mapping.

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