~ 7.

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>> seven - change <<

— — — ———————— — — —

— – A WAVE of relief washed over me when Zeus was allowed back in. He didn't jump on me, sensing I was in some sort of pain, but licked my cheek and nudged under my none sore arm to wrap it around him and cuddle him. I buried my head into his fur, letting tears drip down the side of my face.

"I'm so sorry bud, I promise to never leave you for so long again, okay?" I don't like keeping promises I might not be able to keep. But for Zeus, one of my best friends, there's exceptions.

Alfred came in when Zeus was just settling down with some soup for me. I smiled and thanked him before he left. He gave me a funny look when he noticed Hood's shirt on me, but said nothing. I carefully reached for it and sat up, resting the bowl on my thighs. Chicken noodle soup. You can't beat that.

Zeus eventually fell asleep beside me, just as I had finished the soup and put the bowl on the side. I sighed and tangled my fingers in his fur.

There was murmuring outside my door.

"I have to ask her about it, if I don't then I'll regret it forever!"

"She's already in enough pain, you asking her about it will only stress her out more."

"How would you know?! Have you known her since forever? Have you been there through her worst days?"

"I think it's fair to say I have. You might 'know' Amellia, but I know Cirrus. They aren't the same."

"They're both Mia, how are they any different from eachother?"

It fell silent and my door opened. Red Hood and Kath walked in, both glaring at eachother. I smiled at them both. Kath took a seat on the edge of my bed, whilst Hood took his chair from before.

"Hi Kath."

"Hi Mia," She gave me a soft smile. Her eyes begged me to explain myself, explain everything, "about that talk..."

"I'll explain everything, I promise." My hand found hers and I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. She sighed and placed her spare hand on top of mine.

And I did. I explained everything from 6 years ago to now. Including a little of my reasoning from my past. That has to be the most I've ever told someone, let alone two people. But Hood didn't seem to be paying attention, instead looking outside the window. I caught his eye staring at me a few times, to which he looked down and shook his head.

By the end Kath was just staring at me. Not with any emotion. Just, staring.

"...and that's the story of Cirrus." I ended, shrugging. There were lots of details I was missing out. Lots I wouldn't dare tell anyone. Not even on my deathbed.

"Wow." Was all she could say. Maybe it's all she needed to say. There isn't supposed to be a normal human response to finding out your best friend of 2 years does illegal everything after work.

"Oh, that's right! Hood, did you get my bag?" I turn my attention to the man in the chair, clearly zoned out. He lifts his head at my voice and nods, handing me my bag that was at the foot of the bed. I unzipped it and looked through everything.

Smoke bombs.
Mildly crumpled file.
A plate with a crushed slice of cake in clingfilm.

Awh, the cake...

I pulled the file out and laid it beside me, putting the bag down on the floor. I opened the file and grabbed a pen from the front pocket of the bag to write down what I remember.

"How can you be doing work right now?!" Kath shouted at me, rising quickly from the bed. I looked up and hummed in question.

"What do you mean? I have to get this file sorted before I forget anything! Hood, what language did they speak?"


"You stay out of this!" She snapped her head at him. I was taken aback, so was Hood.

"Kath, what's this all about?"

Hood rose quickly, "the hell did you just say to me?" The two stormed over to eachother, bickering building to full blown screaming. I tried telling them to stop. No reaction from either. Zeus was awake now, growling at them with his heckles raised.

"Both of you shut the fuck up before I put a bullet through either of your skulls!"

Their heads snap in my direction. My breathing has quickened. Hood groans and goes back to his chair. Kath stands there, rubbing her elbow.

"Thank you. Now let me finish this in peace." Kath nods and leaves, getting a final glare at Hood. He stands aswell, going to leave. Zeus jumps down and nips at his jeans. He looks back at me.

"We did this case together, and I have mild amnesia right now." I stated smiling. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, shutting the door and coming to sit cross-legged on my bed.

I continued writing things up, asking him questions about what happened.

Some included;

"What were the children's names?"

"Are they safe now?"

"Did the police show up?"

"How did they handle it?"

"Did you speak with the police and explain the situation?"

"Did the boss wake up before he was arrested and taken into custody?"

He answered them all. This is much easier on my amnesia than having to think too hard on one detail. Like having my own personal Google.

I pushed the file into the bag with every other file after putting a red sticker on it. Only 3 left. Then I have some interviews next week. Then a court case the week after, along with two more interviews and case files.

"Is that everything?" He asks, running a hand through his fluffy looking hair. Maybe it's the mask that makes it like that.

"Should be, if not I'll come find you," I smile, relaxing against my pillows again, "atleast I know where to go if I need a human translator."

"Oh, ha-ha." I giggled at his sarcasm, it hurt but it was worth seeing him smile genuinely. Now that I think about it, he has a similar smile to Dick's. And Bruce's.

No, I'm looking too far into things.

"You should get some sleep, alright?"

"Will you be okay?"

I nod and pat his muscular arm, "I'll be fine, Hood. Or whatever you're actually called I suppose."

He chuckles and gets up, walking back over to the door and pausing a moment. I tilt my head.

"Jason." He says. I hum in question.

"My name is Jason Todd. Better you know it incase I forget." I smiled.

"Thanks, Jason. Have a good sleep."

"You too, Amellia."

As soon as the door shuts and sigh and look up at the ceiling. I feel twenty pounds lighter.

I shouldn't be getting attached.


1143 words

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