Part 3 - The Sorting Hat

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We came to a big hall and I saw Draco again. He walked up to Harry and said.
"Hi I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. And this is Crabbe and Goyle" he said and pointed at the to guys on his side. Ron made a little laugh. "You don't think my name's is funny, do you?" He said angrily "But I don't need to ask for your name, red hair and freckles... you must be a Weasley" he said and looked at Ron. "You will soon find out that some wizard family's are better then others" He said and gave Harry his hand.

"I think I can choose my own friends myself" Harry said dismissive.

I walked over to them and said "Well maybe some wizard family's are better than others, but you can still be friends with many different people"

Draco looked at me like i was crazy.
"Your not friends with them, are you?" He said.

"I am, but I don't think that I only can be friends with a few people"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I don't know why but I felt a little...weird, like I was hurt. Yeah he's cute but...I can't be in love with someone I just met today. Can I?

Professor McGonagall came in.
"Everyone listen! I call your last name and then your first name and then you should go up to the hat and it will tell you with house your in. Okay?"

"Okay" everyone mumbled.

We walked in to the Great hall. The roof look like the sky outside and there's flying lights in the air.

"Granger, Hermione" professor McGonagall called.


"Malfoy, Draco"


"Weasley, Ron"


"Potter, Harry" there's was really quiet in a second and people was whispering.


"Snape, Y/n"
I could hear people whispering about me, and how they thought professor Snape didn't have a kid, and how I 100% was a Slytherin.

"Very interesting" I heard the sorting hat say. "Your brave, intelligent, sweet and ambitious...hmmm, your dad is Severus Snape, but you aren't like him....sooo"


There was really really quiet for a while but then the Gryffindor's clapped at me as they did at the others.

I sad down side by side with Hermione. And we began to talk.

"Good you made it" she said.

"Yeah...I was really scared in a second"

We talked and ate some food. But I have one question on my mind...shall I ask her? Yeah I probably should.


"What, y/n?"

"Will you be my best friend?" I ask anxious.

"Yeah ofcourse. Your really sweet and good to talk to, so ofcourse I will"

I couldn't be more happy. I got myself a bedst friend and I never had friends before.

*Ding ding*

"Can I have a word" Professor Dumbledore said. And there went quite. "I will say welcome, welcome to the new students and welcome back to the old students. I shall say that the forest isn't a place for students and there's a corridor where no one might go except they want a painful death" He looked serious at us "but now of to bed"

"First years this way" A prefekt said.

I followed him and we came to a picture, the picture of the fat lady.

"Caput Draconis" the prefekt said. And the picture swung up.

"First year boys are up there to the right and first year girls are up there to the left" he said.

I was beginning to go over to the girls room but the prefekt stopped me.

"Y/n, you had been given a one person room after ordre"

"What? But why? And who gave the ordre?"

"Because of your dad, well you can't complain. It's right over there" he said and pointed at a door "but now I will say goodnight"

Strange...I never thought dad would do something like that. But well yeah...he's right I can't complain, plus there's a private bathroom.

Is it only me who ships Draco and Hermione?

Well hopefully you guys like the story right now 👍

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