Part 7 - Try not to cry

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Y/n's POV

I walked straight away over to dad. He's having a class right now but I really need him.

*Knock knock*

Dad opened the door, walked out to me and closed the door behind us.

"I need to talk to you" I said as normally as possible.

"Not right now y/n I have a class" He said and turned around.


"Sorry not now" he said quietly and walked towards the door.

"I...I...I need you..." My voice cracked. And I began to cry.

He looked at me and hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry y/n. I'm right here" He said and kissed my forehead.

"Tha...thanks" I said and snuffled.

"So what's going on?" He said and looked up.

"I...I...I don't know what to do" I said and tried not to cry "At first...I...I have got myself a boyfriend"

"WHAT WHO?" he said. "And is it his fault that your crying?"

"Don't be mad" I cried "and no it not his fault"

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to be mad" he said in his sweetest voice.

"It's Harry" I said and looked down.

"HARRY" he said.

"DAD, you said you wouldn't be..." I burst out crying.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry y/n" He said. "But was is he having to do with you crying?"

"It''s because..." I signed "I'm dating Harry, and I love him. But I also has a crush on another person. And I love him more and he...insulted me" I started crying again "and then I started screaming at him and now I think I never would stand a chance with him"

"Try to calm down" he said and hugged me even tighter."You have my permission to take the rest of the day free"

"Thanks dad" I said with a shaking voice.

"I love you, sweetheart"

"Love you too" I said and gave a little sad smile.

I walked slowly up to the common room. But then I saw Harry.

"Harry? Are you okay?" I said.

"Yeah...I didn't get expelled" he said and smiled "actually I got on the quidditch team as a seeker"

I smiled a little smile. "That's great"

"Have you cried?" He asked curious.

"Yeah..." I said and looked down "but it's nothing, absolutely nothing" I said in a hurry voice.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah...wanna go up in the common room. Then I can tell you what happened after you walked away with professor McGonagall" I said.

We walked up in the common room and sat us in some chairs.

"Soo..." I began. I told him every thing. How Draco laugh at him, how he asked if we were with each other. How I screamed and left. And that I walked down to dad to cry out.

"But I still don't see why you should be so furious at him" he said "he's a person who don't know how fantastic you are"

I gave him a smile. But I just couldn't tell him why I meant so much. But I think I might tell him someday later.

"I don't know. I was just furious that he insulted you, Harry" I said and looked down.

"I'm happy that you care about me" He said and I looked up. He gave me a big smile.

A while after Ron came into the common room.

"Why didn't you came to charms class?" Ron asked "and where did you go?" He looked at me curious.

"A walked down to my dad...I needed to talk to him, and he gave me free the rest of the day" I said. My hair was still looking black.

"Hmmm...but why do your hair look black?" He asked.

"Because every time I have a breakdown or something like that, my hair turns black. And the weird thing about that is that my hair still is as blonde as usual" I said.

"So we can just look at you and see if you're okay?" Harry asked.

"No, because I can hide it. Normally I can. But when I'm really tired I can't"

Ron and Harry looked understandably at me, and I smiled. As my hair slightly turned blonde again.
This is a very short part but I hope you enjoy the story.

If there's grammatical fails pls say so. Thx ❤️

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