Part 13 - Christmas at Hogwarts

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Y/n's POV

It was around Christmas and everyone was happy. Dad found out about what happened the day with Harry and he understood me. The other teachers has began to be sweeter around me and I was someday exempt to do my homework.

I love Christmas and it's also means that I'm half away though the year at Hogwarts and I can come home as fast as possible. Hogwarts is my home but...I don't always like being there.

Me and Draco has been dating more, but we're still not official. I don't want everyone to know. I just want people to think I'm a normal person with a normal life, and I'm not dating anyone so I can be free for questions. But now everyone knows how I feel sometimes, and I have been cutting in myself more than ever, I'm just happy no one knows that... I'm trying to make my life normal but it's hard...I just can't. This is my life and I can't just do it to someone else's life and not my life. I wish I could.

But yeah it's Christmas...I really enjoy Christmas. Dad is sweeter and is actually sweet when he's around me. Normally he is only really, really, really sweet when it's just really sweet. But now he also hugs me Infront of other people. Some looks really...confused. But dad is like that normally and I'm just happy that he don't always hide how sweet he is... around me. Hehe.

Draco is talking a lot about him holding Christmas at home and how excited he is to come home for Christmas...

"Y/n...y/n...Y/N!!!" Draco said.

"What now Dray?" I asked.

Everyone actually know that I call Draco for Dray and they (surprisingly) aren't saying anything about it.

"I wanted to ask you were you are for know I talk a lot about Christmas and I just wanted to know" he said.

"I need to hold Christmas here on Hogwarts...I have hold Christmas here my hole life and....well it's pretty nice here at Christmas..." I said and smiled.

"Yeah...I'm going to miss you so much y/n/n" Draco said.

"I'm gonna miss you too"

"It's tomorrow morning I'm leaving..." He said "your coming to say bye?" He sounded a little anxious.

"Ofcourse dray" I said and he smiled.

"I'm so happy that I have you...wanna go to DADA together?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, ofcourse" I smiled happily. I was so lucky to have long he don't knows about the...cutting. Then I think we're going to be fine.

We walked to class and down. We have professor Qurriell. I have never talked so much to him... maybe because this is his first year at Hogwarts as a teacher.

I looooooove DADA...well just like dad. I try not to be to much like him but when we just have the same interests it's a little hard not to like the same thing as him.

We had about vampires and it was very interesting. But there's just something weird when I have professor Qurriell. I can't really feel what he feels like there's two persons thoughs in one... Weird. Really weird actually.

Me and Draco walk down too the Great hall to eat dinner. I was so hungry that it hurt.

"Y/n?" Draco said.

"Yes?" I said.

"Wanna go up in the astronomy tower tonight...we only have tonight as the last day until next year" he said and blinked at me.

"Well...yeah" I said and giggled.

We ate and walked up in the astronomy tower.

"It's so beautiful tonight..." He said.

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