Part 5 - First Date

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Y/n's POV

I woke up, it was about one week after I came to Hogwarts. I began to like Draco more and more. And I don't really know why.

He was always so annoying. But does he like me...well he always talk to me, and he's always bordering me. But what to do, to make him like me. No, love me. Or just to see if he likes me. I can maybe begin to date someone. Maybe Harry, because Draco really hate Harry.

I got out of bed and walked out in the common room. I saw Harry and Ron standing side by side.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Yes, y/n? He said.

"Do you maybe wanna go on a date?" I asked. I really hope he will say yes.
Harry's POV

"Do you maybe wanna go on a date" y/n asked.

She's the most beautiful girl on the school. And I know I'm not the only one how thinks that. Every boy she walkes by looks at her, just standing. But when they see professor Snape come they looked away. One time a boy looked at her and Snape came...Yeah... He got himself a week's detention. And then there's Malfoy, sometime I just feel like he likes her but I don't really know...

"Yeah...ofcourse I will go on a date" I said. Ron looked at me like I was the most lucky person in the world.

"Well tonight at 5 pm?" She said sweet.

"Yeah, see ya" I said happily.

I can't believe I'm going on a date with y/n!!!
Y/n's POV

I can't believe that he said yes. I hope Draco's going to be jealous. Now I just need to wait til 5 pm. And then I got myself a boyfriend. Now don't get me wrong...I like Harry but I like Draco more.
Side POV

It's now 5 pm. Y/n used two hours to get ready and Hermione helped her. Harry used half an hour and Ron also help him.
Y/n's POV

I walked out in the common room and the boys was staring at me. But why...? I saw Harry he was beautiful, he looked so sweet.

"Hi Harry" I said.

"Hi y/n, shall we go?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go, where are we going?" I asked. He said he would find a place.

"You know there's a really good place by the lake" he said.


"It's over there" he said with a smile.

We walked out and I saw the place. It was a little picnic. So cute.

"Oh...this is beautiful" I said with a shaking voice.

"Thank you" he said and smiled even bigger.

We sat down and talked and laughed and ate. When the clock was 7 pm the stars was raising.

"Wow" I said "I don't know why but I just love the dark and the night"

"I know what you mean...but I'm more a day person" he said and looked up "Well I normally go around the school at night, but sunlight just talks to me" he sighed "But night is just so beautiful" He looked at me.

"I know your dad never will let us but...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me and came closer to me.

My heart was pumping harder and harder. And he came closer and closer to me.

"Yes" I breathed and our lips found eachother. But then I looked away.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No...I...I just think it's going to fast" I said.

"It's okay" he said "I understand" And he gave me a smile "Wanna go inside?"

"Yeah..." I said.

How could that happen I don't wanna break his heart...but I'm going to. Why am I like this? Why? Am I a bad person? I just love Draco, but I'm dating his enemy... what if he's going to hate me? I hope not I'm going to get a breakdown. I have a feeling that I'm going to make life harder for myself.

Is y/n to much or is she doing the right thing?

What will you do if you had a breakdown?

And have had you guys a good day?

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