Part 11 - Friends?

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Y/n's POV

I walked out of my dorm, and I was thinking about last night. Draco. He is so sweet. And I can believe what we found out...Pansy wanna be friends with me. It's actually pretty weird. And she said I was popular... But I don't really care. I don't need to be popular, I just need my friends back. My best friends...they have just left me behind. And I know it's only two day ago, but I just miss talking to them.

I felt some tears ran down my cheeks.

This is why I didn't want to start at Hogwarts. I have bin here for a month and my friends already hates me. Ofcourse that's just my life. But luckily I have Draco and we can spent the hole day together and I can meet some of the Slytherin's. I talk a lot with Gryffindor's, Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's. But not that much Slytherin's...everyone are also like 'you can't be friends with Slytherin's' and 'why do you wanna be friends with the Slytherins...YOUR A GRYFFINDOR' I can choose my friends myself, not some stupid houses can say that I can be friends with who I want to.

I wiped of the tears and took some clothes on. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Why am my life like this?" I asked myself and walked out of my dorm.

When I came into the Great hall I saw Draco sitting with his friends and I came over to them.

"Can I sit here?" I asked.

"Yeah ofcourse y/n" Draco said with a little smile.

"I didn't know that you wanted to talk to Slytherin's..." Pansy said.

"My dad's a Slytherin" I said and let out a little laugh.

"I forgot" Pansy said "but why do you wanna sit here it's not like your friends with anyone of us...?"

"I'm friends with Draco" I said.

"Since when? I thought you guys hated each other" Blaise said.

"Well sometimes you'll get surprised" Draco said with a smile.

I saw that Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle gave eachother a little happy look.

"Well do you then wanna be friends with us?" Pansy asked.

"Ofcourse. Why shouldn't I?" I said.
Pansy's POV

"Ofcourse. Why shouldn't I?" Y/n said.

At first OMG y/n wanna be friends with me!! Number two I think there is something between y/n and draco. Well he is normally more cold but sweet. Omg, I'm a simp. But there is something between them there's making me jealous. Draco's voice is more shaking and I didn't know that they were friends. Course for just a month ago y/n shouted that if Draco ever would love her she would kill herself...but maybe the days chances.

"Okay cool" I said "wanna walk to class together"

"Yeah ofcourse" y/n said.

I can't really believe that she wanna walk to class with me. But she looks at Draco in a weird way. But I probably need to stop overthinking things.
Y/n's POV

"Yeah ofcourse" I said.

I'm really happy that they wants to be friends with me and it isn't cap. Pansy is actually really sweet. But I can read thoughts and she overthinks a lot. I didn't read her mind I just could feel that she's simping for Draco and she doesn't know whats going on.

We ate and walked to class. Potions. I can make to many potions even with my eyes closed. Or maybe not with closed eyes but I can make a lot of potions without a book.

"Today I will make some partners to you and you CAN'T complain" dad said.

Harry and Hermione.
Ron and Neville.
Seamus and Dean.
Y/n and Draco.
Pansy and Blaise.
Crabbe and Goyle.

I walked over to Draco. And sat besides him.

"Today we're making the living deaths drink" dad said.

I sighed. I could that one without a book. And I looked over at Draco who was finding his book. And I found the ingredients and things we needed without even looking down at the book.

"How do you just know what you need without looking in your book?" Draco asked.

"Because I can remember the potion in my head" I answered.

He looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Your just good at everything you do princess" he wispered so only I could hear him. I blushed.

"Thanks dray" I wispered back.

We began to make the potion and we got the best potion in the class. It was even better then Hermione's.

Then I remembered that I wasn't talking with Hermione and I felt the tears. But I would NOT let them come out.

"Draco?" I heard Pansy say.

"Yes Pansy?"

"How did you two get a better potion then Granger?" She asked.

"Because I'm better at potions then her" I said with a smirk. I felt a little disgusted with myself, she's my best friend and just because of a fight I can't say I'm better then her. Well maybe I am but she's still my best friend...or what?

"I...I need to go..." I said.

"Why? What's wrong" Draco said worried.

"I need to talk to someone..." I said "see ya later"

"Bye y/n" Pansy and Draco said and walked over to Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle.

I ran up to the common room. I needed to talk to Harry, Ron and Hermione. They are my friend right? ...Right?!?
Who is the bad and who is the good is something I always ask myself.

Course the bad people also have a baggrund history. And they also have a story about why they are like they are...

Sorry for grammatical fails. ❤️

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