Part 16 - last day at Hogwarts

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Y/n's POV.

I woke up in the hospital wing Harry, Ron and Hermione was by my side.

"Your awake?" Harry said.

"Yeah...what happened who was down there?" I asked confused.

"Before I answer your question I want to say that it's the last day at Hogwarts today, it's 9 am AND I woke up a week ago. They was really scared about you make it..." Harry said.


"Calm down, calm down" Ron said calming.

"So the one who was trying to steal the philosopher's stone was Qurriell. He had Voldemort at the back of his head and he died" Harry said.

"What did I say...It wasn't dad" I said.

"Yeah...sorry about that" Hermione said.

"But...but Qurriell... So it was because of that I couldn't feel what he feels" I said wondering.

"Yeah...and uhmm professor Snape has bin in here almost every single hour every day" Ron said.

"Aww I love my dad" I said smiling "who has also bin in here?" I asked.

"The Slytherins and the others from Gryffindor and some from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw" Hermione said.

"Okay...wauw. So who knows that I'm awake?" I asked.

"Noone..." Harry said.

"What about making a little surprise for them" I said with a smirk...
Y/n's POV

The others was going to sit in the Great hall. I should walk in to the Great hall when the feast begins and I have butterflys in my stomach.

Everyone was at the feast now and I stood up and walked over to the Great hall. I stood in a moment. I sighed and then walked in.

Everyone was looking at me and I couldn't help it but smile.

"What have I missed?" I asked.

Close on everyone stood up and ran over to me. But dad walked over to me and gave me the biggest hug.

"Never ever do something like that again" Dad wispered in my ear, gave me a smile and walked up again and I hugged my friends I haven't seen in a loooong time.

Then I saw Draco...I ran over to him and gave him a big hug.

"I've missed you love" he wispered.

"I've missed you too" I wispered back.

And then ran over to Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise and gave them all a big hug and then sat down at Gryffindor's table.

"As I was saying, before this fantastic suprise came in..." Dumbledore said and I felt myself smile "I need to give some points to the two last persons...I have givet points to Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter fore there brave "adventure". Ofcourse I need to give some points to y/n for hanging on and never let go I give 50 points to y/n"

I heard Gryffindor clap. I knew we were on first place now.

"And the last points I need to give is because it's hard to stand up to your enemies but it's harder to stand up to your friends so I give 10 points to Neville Longbottom" Dumbledore said and I heard a lot of claps "and I think it would be just fine to make the decorations to some others"

The banners was Slytherins colours but changes to Gryffindor's colours.

"And that means that Gryffindor wins this years house cup" Dumbledore said.

Everyone clapped except the Slytherins and I was so happy. What a good day to wake up on. And now I also can try not to cut in my self just by thinking of this...
Y/n's POV

I walked down to the train and saw Draco standing by himself.

"Dray...drayyyyy" I said.

"What y/n?" Draco said.

"I won and you didn't" I sang.

"Your so annoying" He laughed. And push my shoulder.

"I also have something for you" I said and founded two rings, one with a snake and one with a lion.

"That's some nice rings" Draco said.

"It's not just rings" I said "I have made them myself... it's rings there does when we have them on can we se eachother, talk to eachother and feel eachother and the best thing...when you use it you just look like your asleep or making homework or something like that and noone can se or hear what we can" I said with a smile.

"Wauw thanks y/n" Draco said "and see you next year"

"See you next year" I said and gave him a big hug.

I walked on the train and sat down by Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"What a weird year.." I said.

"Yeah...I hope next year is going to be better" Hermione said and sighed.

" too"
That's the last chapter. It's not that long but I hope you guys enjoyed the story.

Sorry for grammatical fails.

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