Part 14 - Promises

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Y/n's POV

It was the last day in the holidays and Draco and the others are coming back today. I have missed Draco so much. But I'm okay friends with Harry and Ron again.

I walked down to the train station. And I saw the train coming closer and closer to the platform. The train stopped and a lot of students came out of the train. Then I saw Draco.

I ran over to Draco and gave him a big hug.

"I've missed you so much Draco" I said.

"I've missed you too" he said.

We walked up to the castle.

"I've kinda got friends with Harry and Ron again" I said.

"I'm happy for you" Draco sounded maybe a little cold.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

He ignored me.

"Dray? The earth to Draco!?!" I said. But he kept ignoring me. "Dray I'm going to break up with you if you keep ignoring me" I said, but didn't actually mean it.

"Okay, okay" He said "I don't know why... I'm maybe...jea..." he sighed "jealous" he looked down "I don't know why I am...I guess I just am"

"Dray...I love you, only you" I said softly "and I'm just happy because I got my friends back"

"Yeah I know. I might be weird" he said.

"Yeah you are" I said and giggled.

"Y/N!" He laughed.

"Y/n what?" I said and gave him a smirk.

"I hope on y/n Malfoy" He said and smirked back at me.

I blushed. Did he seriously just say that... He did. He just fucking did.

"Your so cute when you blush" he said and took his arm around my shoulder.

We walked into the castle and he pulled his arm away from me as fast as possible when he saw that someone was coming.

It was Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Hey..." I said as I walked past them.

"Hi y/n" Harry said.

"Hello" Ron said.

"Are you guys talking again?" Hermione asked.

" can't use a hole Christmas together, without talking" Ron said.

Hermione laughed.

"Well then hi y/n" Hermione said and smiled.

"Hi mione" I said softly.

Me and Draco walked up to the Slytherin common room.

"Can you make you invisible again?" Draco asked nervously.

"Yeah ofcourse" I said and casted the spell.

"Full moon" Draco said and we walked into the common room. And up to Draco's dorm.

"Wow..." I said as I made myself visible again.

"Yeah..." Draco said ass a smile crossed his face.

"I like the colour green..." I said.


"Because it makes me think of you" I giggled.

He smirked and gave me a hug.

"Did you have a good holiday?" He asked.

" Was your dad okay?" I asked.

"Yeah...he's so much sweeter at Christmas" Draco said.

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