Part 10 - The astronomy tower

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Y/n's POV

I was getting ready in my dorm and was really nervous. Draco Malfoy the Cutest guy I ever has seen on this school will go on a date!? I don't know why I just like him and I want to be with him.

At 10 pm i was walking towards the astronomy tower. I saw Draco standing at the fence and looking at the stars.

"Hi Draco" I said shyly.

"Hi y/n..." He said still looking at the stars.

I walked over to him.

"I really like the night and the stars" Draco said.

"Same just feels like you are another person" I said and looked up at the sky.

"You know..." Draco began "When we first talked at the school I felt that you really hated me. And every time I saw you looking over at the Slytherin table I felt that there was something wrong. And then you just love me" he sighed.

"When I looked over at you my heart was breaking in to a million pieces. Because I thought you was laughing at me behind my back and I love you..." I said quietly.

"Do you wanna know why I took you up here?" Draco asked.


"Because I really like the stars and when I look in your eyes I see stars" he looked at me "and I just think that you are the most lovely person I know...well I know we don't have talked that much but we can begin to" he began to smile.

"I have a question" I said and looked him deep in the eyes "why did you ignoring me to begin with when I said 'hi'?" I asked.

"Because I thought you was making fun of me, and that you was trying to make me yours, just to say that you can make everyone in love with you" He sighed "and I am in love with you"

"I love you Draco..." I said.

"Will you then be my girlfriend" he asked shyly.

"I'll love to" I said and smiled "But promise me that you don't say it to anyone because I don't want people to think that I'm only dating you to get Harry back" I sighed "Couse I only dated Harry to get you"

"I understand and I promise" he said and gave me a little smile.

We looked up at the sky and Draco took my hand.

"I feel so free when I talk to you, you're so easy to talk to" he said and looked at me but then looked away with a tear in his eye.

"You okay?" I asked curious.

"'s just... it's just because of my dad" Draco said with a shaky voice.

I looked at him with understanding eyes.

"I know I might sound stupid...but I don't think I mean anything to him..." He looked down "and I feel like I mean something to you but I don't know and I just want one...just one person to think that I mean something"

"You mean everything" I said "your my world and everything I have to fight for. You mean something to me"

He looked at me with a smile and he brushed some hair away from my face and came closer to me.

There was a noise.

"Did you hear that" he said curious and looked away.

I threw a speel and looked at Draco.

"Can you see and hear me draco?" I asked.

"Yes y/n" he said.

"Okay good" I said "this is one of my own spells. It's doing so only them who has used it can see each other and hear each other"

"How many times has you used it before" Draco said.

"Only ones, so I'm a little curious" I said.

Then Pansy and Blaise came out.

"Arhhh I just don't understand it" Pansy said "why is she always just friends with 'faMoUs HaRRy pOttAh" and his Stupid friends..why not us?" She looked at Blaise "I also think that Draco will agree to have y/n as a friend"

"Yeah you're probably right" Blaise said "but why do you want to be friends with her? Is it only because she's popular?"

"No, I don't even think she knows that she's popular" Pansy said "I want to be friends with her because she's so sweet to all her friends and I don't want her to hate me"

I looked at Draco...

"How could it be that she wants to be friends with me?" I wispered.

"I don't really know...but she has actually talked really much about you" Draco wispered back "so I really thinks that she wanna be friends with you"


Blaise walked over to Pansy.

"Wanna go inside again?" Blaise asked "there's really cold"

"Yeah...let's go" Pansy answered.

They walked away and I removed the spell.

"I didn't know she was so upset with me..." I said.

"Me neither..." Draco said " you maybe wanna sit with us at the Slytherin table tomorrow. I don't think they would say anything about it"

"Yeah why not" I said with a smile.

"And uhmmm...if you can use that spell again you can maybe come to the Slytherin common room someday..." Draco said.

"Well then I need a password" I said with a little smile.

"Oh's 'full moon' " he said "and uhmm I have a my own yeah I don't shares room with anyone" he sounded a little nervous.

"Same, I have it because dad said I should have it" I said and looked down with a little smile.

"My dad also said I should have that room" Draco said with a smile.

"Is it okay if I call you 'dray' when it only us?" I asked.

"Yeah ofcourse, but then I also wanna call you y/n/n or Princess" he said and came closer to me.

"Ofcourse" I breathed and Draco came so close to me that I could hear his heart.

He looked at me and then he kissed me. It was soft and he kissed me gently. Like I was something that could break. I kissed him back and after he took my hand and looked up at the sky.

"I really love you princess" he said.

"I love you too dray"
OMG it finally happened y/n and draco are finally a couple. ARHHH ❤️

Hopefully you enjoyed the story.

I'm so sorry for grammatical fails. So please say if there's any. Thx ❤️

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