Part 15 - Niklas Flamel

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Y/n's POV

Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione has been talking a lot lately. It's almost summer and they want to talk to me today.

"Y/n...?" Hermione said.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready to talk..." I said "so what's up?"

"So we have found out that in the forbidden corridor there's a three headed dog named fluffy" Harry started.

"Wha...what?" I said.

"And it's standing on something..." Ron added.

"And it has something to do with Niklas Flamel" Hermione ended.

I stared at them. And then laughed.

"What's so funny?" Hermione asked.

"It's because I already know it" I giggled.

"WHAT? You do?" Harry said.

"But...but how?" Hermione asked.

" can't keep a secret from me" I said and smirked.

"Really?!? So do you know what it is?" Hermione asked.

"'s..." I started. But then Neville came in. "Hey Neville"

"Hey y/n" Neville said "Harry? You collects these wizards card am I right?"

"Yeah..." Harry said.

"Here's mine" Neville said and casted the card over to Harry and walked away.

"Thanks Neville" Harry said "it's Dumbledore again..." Harry stared "WAIT! Here Niklas is again" Harry said and Hermione and Ron looked at him "there stands that Dumbledore is famous for his cooperation with the alchemist Niklas Flamel"

"OH! I know it now two seconds" Hermione said and founded a book "see Niklas Flamel is famous for making the philosopher's stone, there can make eliksir of life and an infinite amount of money"

"Wauw good job Hermione" Ron said.

"Why didn't you just ask me" I said.

They looked at me.

"Yeah...I'm here too, if you forgot" I said in a angry tone.

"Sorry y/n" Harry said."But know we know what Snape tries to steal"

"Your still at that theory, huh?" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sorry y/n" Ron said.

"And I know it's going to happen tonight" Harry said.

"Then we need to tell Dumbledore" Hermione said.

"Dumbledore isn't here tonight..." I said "he has something to do in the ministry"

"Then we need to do it ourselves" Harry said.

"How Harry? How?" I said.

"We have my dad's invisibility cloak" Harry said with a smirk.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ron said.

We walked over to the door to get out of the common room. But there stood Neville.

"I won't let you guys go outside, your going to loose more points" Neville said.

"Neville you don't understand" Harry said.

"Maybe I don't but I won't let you out"

"I'm so sorry Neville" Hermione said "partolus totalus"

Neville fell to the side and we walked over him and out.
Y/n's POV

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