Part 8 - Troll

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Y/n's POV

I cried the hole night. And I had a terrible nightmare about Draco. But I got out of bed and tried not to think about anything.

In the common room Hermione sat by herself.

"You okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah...but I had a terrible night" I said and sighed.

"Yeah...that's understandable" she said "let's go down to breakfast the class is about an hour" and gave me a smile.

We went down to breakfast and I saw Harry and Ron sitting by the table, and we sat down with them.

"Hi" Harry said and yawned.

"Hi" I said back.

I took some food and looked up at the teacher's table. I got eye contact with dad and he gave me a little smile and I smiled back. Then I looked over at the Slytherin's table and I saw Draco looking at me, and I felt the tear's coming out, but luckily they didn't. But I could see something in his eyes there looked sad. But I couldn't find out what.

"Y/n, are you done eating?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah...let's go to class" I responded.

We had charms, and professor Flikwick gave us some partners.

Harry and y/n
Ron and Hermione
Seamus and Dean
Draco and Goyle
Crabbe and Pansy
Lavender and Pavarti

"Today I will learn you wingardium leviosa" professor Flikwick said "can anyone said what the charm do?"

Hermione raised har hand.

"Mis Granger?" Professor Flikwick said.

"It's a levitation charm, it uses to make objects fly" Hermione said.

"That's right, 10 points to Gryffindor" Professor Flikwick said "now you say "wingaaardium leviOsa" and your feather shall fly"

"Wingardium leviosa" Harry said "Ahrrr...why isn't it working. Can you try y/n"

"Wingaaardium leviOsa" I said and the feather flew.

"Your pretty good" he said.

"Everyone see y/n made it" Professor Flikwick said "5 points to Gryffindor"

"Wingardium leviosar" Ron said.

"Your saying it the wrong way" Hermione said "It's leviOsa not leviosar"

"If you are so good then do it" Ron said angrily.

"Wingaaardium leviOsa" Hermione said and the feather flew.

"See mis Granger also did it, 5 more points to Gryffindor" professor Flikwick said.

Hermione gave Ron a 'what did I say' look and Ron looked annoyed away.

After class me and Hermione walked behind Ron and Harry.

"She's a nightmare. I can't believe y/n want to be friends with her" Ron said "did you hear her 'It's leviOsa not leviosar' she's so annoying"

"Yeah you're right" Harry said.

I saw Hermione's eye's being felt up whit tear's. And she ran past them crying.

"How could you?" I said to them "my dad is right, to be a celebrity isn't everything" I ran after Hermione "AND HARRY! WE'RE DONE" I said as I left.

I found Hermione crying in the bathroom.

"Your okay?" I asked and gave her a tight hug.

"No, how could they?" She asked crying.

"Idk, but I just broke up with Harry..." I said.

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