Sick Days

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I decided to have a filler episode so that Rin and Airi can spend more time together. Enjoy!


"Achoo!" I sneezed really loudly.

"I'm sorry Airi, you got sick because you ran after me." Makoto apologized.

"It's not your fault. I jumped in recklessly, so it's my fault. Anyways you guys should go to school or you'll be late. I'll be fine." I reassured them.

"Feel better, Airi. We'll come after practice to check on you" Haru said.

"Th-thanks, I'll appreciate that" I smiled weakly.

Haru and Makoto left and I was alone in my room. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Satoru.

From: Airi
To: Satoru

Hi Satoru, I'm so sorry but I won't be coming in today. I've caught a cold so hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow.

I put my phone down and sighed.

"Oh honey, how are you feeling?" My mom came in the room, carrying a tray filled with food.

"I've been b-better"

"Here I brought you tons of snacks, fruits, and your breakfast so eat up! I'll be making soup for lunch. You should take a nap, I'll be downstairs if you need anything." She left the tray on my table and was about to leave before I stopped her.

"Wait mom. I wanted to talk to you about something." My cheeks turned red.

She looked back and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Well I haven't really told you this but Rin is back from Australia. I ran into him during our training camp, and we got to talk for a bit. But for some reason, I get all flustered and my heart starts racing. Rin is the only one who makes me feel like this. It makes me confused because I'm with Haru, Makoto, and the others and I'm not like that. What do you think mom?" I looked up at her and she looked a little stunned.

My mom laughed and smiled at me. "Oh Airi darling, you're so oblivious. I want you to figure it out on your own but I will tell you this. Do you imagine yourself being with Rin? Maybe you see him as something more than a friend. Think about that. I'll take my leave now." She got up and left me with my thoughts.

'What does she mean that I'm oblivious. Of course I wanna be with Rin, I wish I could be with him more often. Gahh this is too much for me to think right now. I should go sleep.'

As I was about to head to sleep, my phone buzzed. I groaned and decided to check my phone realizing it was Satoru

From: Satoru
To: Airi

Sorry to hear that but don't worry about the mural. I'm sure we can manage. Get well soon!

I smiled and put my phone down and fell asleep.

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