Distant Free!

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We were all in awe at what Rin told Rei.

"How do you know that?" Haru asked as he stood up. He let his hand out for me to grab.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"Because...I feel the same way he does. I want to swim in a relay with all of you with Airi-senpai supporting us. With the best teammates I could ask for...I'm sure you feel the same way, Haruka-senpai! The race isn't important! There's someone you want to swim with, right?!"

I gasped realizing what he was implying.

"I want to swim with Rin!" Haru answered.

"If you don't do something, Rin-san will stop swimming! You're the only ones who can help him!" He yelled.

"But what are we supposed to do?" Makoto asked.

"You still don't understand?! Logically speaking, there's only one possible solution!"

"Rei...are you really okay with that?" I asked.

"Of course!" He smiled.

3rd Pov

"You guys look for Rin. I'll head back to the others and tell them to not worry. I don't have the energy to look for Rin. Good luck, I'll be cheering you all on." Airi mentioned.

Everyone nodded and Airi went back to the seating area.

"Airi-senpai! Where are they?! Sasabe-kun couldn't find them. The race is about to start soon! They'll be disqualified if they don't report soon!" Kou yelled.

"Don't worry, they're fine. They're looking for Rin. They'll make it on time for the race...I hope." Airi reassured.

With the Iwatobi boys, they were frantically searching for Rin. But he was nowhere in sight.

Haru desperately called out for him. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and looked at the clock. There was only 10 minutes before the race started. He was starting to give up...until he had an idea. Haru ran towards the tree that looked like the cherry blossom tree from elementary school. Sure enough, Rin was there looking at the tree.

Haru panted heavily to which Rin then noticed. Rin turned around and there stood Haru.

His shocked expression turned into a scowl.

"Haru...why are you here? Come to laugh at my pathetic loss?" Rin asked.


"You saw what happened in the free. And I was taken out of the relay. Airi rejected me. The world is laughing at me. So join in! No need to pity me." Rin said.

Haru didn't respond which made Rin angrier.

"I told you to laugh! That's all I'm good for, anyway. I'm not even good enough to race you guys in a relay!"

"Calm down, Rin!"

"Shut up! What would you know?!" He yelled.

"I know! How fun it is to swim with friends...How good it feels to swim in a relay together...To have her there supporting us all the way. You were the one who taught me that, Rin! You're the reason I-"

Rin suddenly dropped his bag and grabbed Haru's collar aggressively. "Shut up! Don't think I don't know about you and Airi! You stole her away from me!"

Haru's eyes widened. "What are you talking about! There's nothing going on between me and Airi! I get it, I understand how you feel about her!"

"I told you to shut up!" Rin swung his fist at Haru but he stopped it.

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