Chapter 18

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Abbie's POV

We follow the two men and small girl. They have different eyes then the Cullens and humans. I hold Alice's hand to hide my presence from everyone.

"You have no scent and heartbeat again." Alice says.

"I'm just here for Charlie and I'm protecting myself." I tell her. As we walk to a big room with a heavy presence of souls.

"What a happy end so rare. She's alive." One with dark brown hair speaks.

"I have no need of your help now. Please." Edward says as they move closer.

"Let me see." He reaches for Isabella's hand.

"She do-" Edward starts again.

"Enough. My gift doesn't work on her. She is immune?" He step back. "Jane." The small girl walks forward. Jane is her name.

"Yes master." She softly says.

"Please." Isabella speaks and a fights breaks. The move in a fast speed to fast for human to see. Just then Alice moves forward before being held by the guards.

"She will be like us! I will turn her." Alice yells. They start to move away.

"Come here." He opens his hand.

Alice moves forward and I'm unable to hide. I make my presents known now.

"What is this bitch doing here?!"Isabella yells at me. "You always have to make it about you."

"I'm not here for me. Alice called to protect you for Charlie as he is worried about you." I tell her moving away for her.

"Get away from her now!" One of the kings yells.

"She's a slut! Trying to take everything that is mine!" Isabella yells.

"Bella. You will give you one year to transform or die. You chose. Now get out!" The kings says.

"Kill her when you get the chance." Isabella says as Edward walks with her out of the room.

"Alice?" I say.

"They are your mates?"

"N-no I don't know. I c-can't -"

"She will stay with us. Thank you for bring her to us." The king says leading Alice to the door.

I look around to see the others out of three thrones. My boundary of my scent releases. The air smells of rust, leather, books, lavender and water lilies. Mates. Men.

"I c-can't s-s-stay. I ha-ve my o-wn life!" Move to the closed window. Praying to Matthew.

"My flower. It is alright. You will like it here. I may ask, who's scent is that? A lover?" The man with blonde hair comes closer.

"N-no I find comfort in the scent." I replied.

"Lies! You cheat with a lover before us!" The blonde screams. I press the gem and hope for Matthew.

Soon a teleportation symbol is formed beneath me and Matthew is here.

"I want to go back." I tell Matthew as the other run as human towards us.

"Come on love." He hugs me as we teleport back to his house.

???'s POV

"Find her and that man! Don't harm your future Queen!" Caius yells to the kings guards.

"Brother. Stop. She is scared. Let her come on her own. She will explain." Marcus says.

"Explain she has a lover or what else is there?" Caius says.

"You have wives. I don't see the harm." Marcus says making Caius look angry.

"Looks like we have some explaining to do." I say walking to our office.

Abbie's POV

"It's alright love. Calm down. I'm right here." Matthew says as I hug him to death almost. The vampire kings presence was to strong and reminded me of passed memories.

"The-y were-" I try to speak.

"Shh sleep love. I'll make your favorite food. Now sleep I'll be here when you wake up." He slowly moves his hands up and down my back, slowly comforting me to sleep.

Third person POV

"Demetri, have you found the scent?" Jane says as they walk around town.

"Yes. It's coming from this house."

"We'll just have to introduce ourselves." Alec says.

The 4 guards gather around the home. Felix and demetri watching the back door and windows as Alec watches over the front door and Jane knocking. Matthew answers as workers from his restaurant come by all the time.

"How can I help you?" He says.

"Hello I'm looking for my sister." Jane lying to answer the home as Alec takes Matthew senses and grabs to take to the kings.

"I'll grab the girl." Jane walks up the stairs.

They return back to the castle, leaving Abbie in a room alone and Matthew to be integrated by the kings and guards.

Abbie's POV

I wake up to a cold room and bed sheets that don't smell like Matthew. It's rust and books. Quickly jumping from the bed following Matthew's stress scent.

The smell of blood and screams of fear are hear from what looks like their basement. The door cried as it opens to reveal Matthew bruised with small cuts.

"What happened? I'm sorry." I rush to his side ripping my undershirt to clean his wounds.

"They thought we were together and had other plans for you. Abbie love don't fear them." He pains.

"How can I not. Already trying to control when I d-" I cut myself off not wanting to think of them. "Let's just get you cleaned up and home."

"Nothing is major. Just uncomfortable." He stands as I remove the ties.

"Let's go to the symbol. You don't have energy and I have very little as we both need food." Walking further up through the halls.

"You can talk and explain it to them." Matthew tries to reason.

"No! They didn't let me say my peace and assume something. So please don't force it." Reaching the throne room door.

"Their coming. Run a little." Holding Mathew tighter.

"Flower. We didn't see you there." I hear the sad brown hair king speak.
"Please talk to me. My brothers assume the worse and I saw a bond of siblings."

"Then why not stop them?" I slowly speak scared of the others. Continuing to walk to the symbol.

"I didn't know they would harm your brother. A conversation would have been nice to understand and know you better."

"Well it's too late for that. I'm leaving." Moving to the symbol.

"Please come in peace and speak gently. Don't assume the worse of the demigoddess of The Mother." Matthew says as we teleport. Last of what was hear gasps going around.

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