Chapter 1 - First impressions

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- {No-ones pov} -

The group had finally arrived at the resort. It was on a rather small island, but was packed with people and activities; there was nothing to keep you from getting bored.

"Ah~" Rouge sighed, stretching out her arms.

"That was quite a long trip, I'm glad we are finally here" Sticks stated, clutching hold of her one suitcase.

"This place is just as romantic as I had hoped!" Amy held her hands to her chest and looked ahead. She was ecstatic, as her eyes were full of joy.

"Uhh, doesn't someone need to tell Sonic that we are here now?" Knuckles asked, pointing back to the cruise ship everyone had arrived on.

Sonic hated water, and the fact that he was surrounded by it for a couple of weeks! He was terrified. He had refused to go on the trip from the start, but Amy had forced him into coming, and now that they had arrived... It could only get worse. It seemed that because Sonic was always cheerful and happy, no one saw the extent of how bad his phobia had gotten.

"AMY! YOU SAID THERE WAS NO WATER!" Sonic suddenly appeared, shaking Amy like crazy.

Everyone had their eyes on the two, taken aback from how fast Sonic had appeared.

"Did I?" She let out a mischievous laugh.

Knuckles and Tails looked at each other and Shadow finally arrived with his stuff.

"Now let's get moving guys!" Amy shouted, pulling along the girls and skipping into the resort entrance.

"Woo!" Knuckles shouted, following the three.

"It can't be that bad Sonic, just give it some time" Tails nudged Sonic's arm and ran off to join the rest.

It was just Shadow and Sonic left now... All alone.

- {Shadow pov} -

Everyone had left and I looked over at Sonic, standing there, in shock.

I knew had bad his phobia of water was... And his so-called friends thought nothing of it. The whole journey here he was cooped up in his room, only coming out for snacks and drinks. It felt like I was the only one who noticed.

"What am I supposed to do?" He quietly mumbled to himself, looking down at his shaking hands.

I felt slightly bad for him, so I decided to pick up my stuff and walk over to him.

"Oi, hedgehog" I said, calmly, standing just in front of him.

"What do you want Shads? Here to mock me?" He asked, effortlessly kicking the sand with his foot.

He didn't really acknowledge me, as his eyes were too focused on the ground.

"You look scared" I bluntly said, staring at his fluffy blue ears lightly being pushed by the soft breeze.

"You know how much I hate water..." He replied, finally looking up.

His emerald green eyes met my crimson red eyes; he quickly looked away.

"Why don't we go and check out our rooms? That will keep your mind off things, and you won't be able to see the water then" I suggested, staring at his ears again.

"Fine..." He sighed, walking passed me with his head held low. His ears went down slightly as he passed.

I'm sure he'll be fine once he's settled down...


- {Nobody's pov} -

The group had checked in and had unpacked their stuff in their rooms. Each one of them had a bathroom, a king bed, a dresser and a balcony all to themselves. It was very luxurious.

My Hydrophobic Boyfriend <3 {Sonadow}Where stories live. Discover now