Chapter 14 - Lavender isn't the best smell

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- {Shadow pov} -

"Four chili dogs for two patient hedgehogs" Amy served me and Sonic a plate with four chili dogs on it.

She gave me a smile and it didn't seem to be forced this time... Though I'm not very good at deterring these things so I'll just leave it alone for now.

"Thanks Ames!" Sonic smiled, grabbing one of the chili dogs and immediately eating it.

"Uh, yeah, thanks" I stated, grabbing one.

She skipped away.

"Is she okay?" I asked, concerned at how nice she was being to me. It was as if nothing had ever happened before.

"So good" Sonic licked his lips, too distracted by the food.

Maybe I shouldn't talk to him while he's eating...


"Ahh~ So good" Sonic sat back in his chair, satisfied.

"Atleast you two got some food" Sticks sighed, face on the table.

"So hungry" Knuckles complained, face to the table (as well).

"Amy, how long until food?" Tails whined, also with his face on the table.

"You need to learn to be patient" Any remarked, cooking something.

It smelled good.

I looked over to Sonic who was scratching his forehead again.

Sighing, I got up, and walked over to him; grabbing his arm.

"Can we go back to our room now?" I asked, wanting to get away from everyone.

"Sure" He smiled, as I let go of his arm.

He slid off his seat and I put one arm under his leg and one arm round his shoulders. He wrapped his arms round my neck, and buried his head in my chest fluff.


"How can you leave when we are so hungry?" Sticks complained, acting like a zombie.

I didn't pay attention to her, and walked out of the room.

Lol classic Shadow...


I let out a sigh, falling back on the bed with Sonic still clinging onto me. He fell on top of me, not moving and still burying his head in my chest fluff.

Normally I would have liked to go on a run or something to chill, but as we were on this resort there was no where I could really go. I was starting to understand how Sonic felt now... But atleast we could be bored together...

I looked over at the alarm clock; it read 12:45. We had been downstairs for a while, I hadn't even noticed.

I put my hands on Sonic's ears and started to mess with them a little. It was nice just to cuddle each other like this. I felt loved and safe...

"Shads?" Sonic quietly said, his voice sorta muffled.


"What are we going to do when this trip is over?" He asked, his voice soft.

I hadn't thought of that...

"Well... We both don't have a house. So we could ask the fox to build us something to live in?" I suggested, liking the sound of having a (sort of) peaceful life with Sonic.

"Since I don't work with the doctor anymore I don't really have anything to do... Apart from occasionally fighting with you. My life wasn't that exciting before Rouge asked me to come here..."

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