Chapter 4 - The discussion

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- {Shadow pov} -

"Well that was... Eventful" Rouge said, as Sonic left my vision.

"Besides that, who the hell do you like, Shadow?!"

"Could say the same for you" I replied, in defense.

"I just did it for drama" Rouge chuckled, evilly.

"So you lied?" Knuckles asked.

"Yep" She replied, smiling.

"I bet Shadow likes Sonic"

My body jerked upright and I nearly choked on my own breath.

"Who else would he like here?" Sticks stated, looking around.

I got up, ready to leave.

"Wait do you?" Tails asked, watching as my face started burning up.

I turned around, hiding my face.

"No" I bluntly said.

Rouge flew over and stood in front of me.

"He's so red! He totally does" Rouge freaked out, excited for me.

"If you say anything, I swear Rouge" I threatened her, holding my fist to her face.

"You've just made my day so much better Shadow, EEE!" She flew away, freaking out.

"It takes guts to admit you like someone, you have my respect" Knuckles randomly pat my shoulder and walked off.

"Shadow... Do you actually like Sonic?" Tails came up to me, holding one of his tails close to him.

Well, I couldn't hide it now...

"Yeah" I admitted, feeling my heart beating through my chest. I could hear it in my head, making me sweat like crazy.


I looked up and saw Tails looking like he wanted to say something but he couldn't.

"What?" I asked, wanting to know.

"Sonic's like a brother to me... So... I..."

"It's not like I'm taking him away from you, chill" I said, walking away.

"Yeah..." Tails replied, and I left the room.

I made my way up to my room and fell onto my bed.

I can't believe I just did that...

I took a huge deep breath and let it out slowly, chilling my nerves and relaxing my mind. My heart was still beating pretty fast though, as the adrenaline rush wasn't over yet...

Just as I was focusing on the sounds of the waves and the cool breeze brushing over my fur, I heard voices coming from outside. I looked over at the open window, the curtains swaying in the wind.

I got up off my bed and made my way over to the balcony, looking down, and seeing Sonic and Amy with her back facing him. Trying not to get seen, I hid under the fencing and looked down, listening to what they were saying.

"Why do you even like a guy like that? He's been trying to kill you all this time Sonic! Don't you see how dangerous he is!?" Amy turned to face Sonic, tears streaming down her face, and her hands tightly made into fists.

"He's... Different" Sonic spoke, looking down at the floor.

"I'm so much better than him, why don't you love me?" She cried out, her shoulders right up to her ears.

"Amy..." Sonic walked up to her, reaching out for her hand.

She cried like a baby and fell to her knees.

My Hydrophobic Boyfriend <3 {Sonadow}Where stories live. Discover now