Chapter 16 - Nightmares

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- {Sonic pov} -

I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I reached for the smoothie.

"Calm down" Shads said, holding my hand.

My body was still freaking out about the water, but I wasn't in it... It made no sense...

Maybe it's because I still have water on me...?

I forgot about the smoothie for a second and got the towel that Amy had given me, and dried myself off.

Shads was sipping on his smoothie and was still in the pool, enjoying it by the looks of it. It was hard to tell when he was enjoying things; especially when he was in a public place with people around him. But, he kept giving me smiles so I knew he didn't hate it.

I just wish I could swim with him... But with these feelings and visions... I can't deal with it...

I glanced over at Sticks, Tails and Knuckles splashing water at each other, laughing hysterically.

What I would give to let them be happy forever...


I noticed Shads was staring at me and I gave him a smile.


"You were spacing out, are you sure you don't want to go back inside?" He asked, worried about me.

"I'm fine Shads" I smiled, finally grabbing my smoothie.

My hands were still shaking pretty badly, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I didn't want to worry anyone... I was fine.

Randomly, Shads held my foot.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, checking the cast.

I shook my head.

"Tails never fails to impress me" I smiled, looking at Shads' wet ears.

They looked droopy and funny; it was like he was sad. But in a cute way.


We spent a few more hours outside before, eventually, it started to get cold and one by one everyone began to go back inside.

I was glad it was getting cold because I didn't want to have to be near the pool any longer...


"Should we go back inside now?" Shads asked. I wondered when he was eventually going to ask.

"Yeah" I stated, standing up and slightly putting pressure on my foot.

"Don't step on it too much Sonic" Shads warned me, picking the smoothie cups up "I'll take these in so I can carry you, one second"

He left me by the pool, all by myself.

Be strong be strong.

I started getting paranoid about every little sound... Even just the birds cheeping, the wind pushing something over...

"Come on Shads..." I nervously mumbled, hoping he would hurry up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a black figure, floating in the pool.

As I turned towards it, it disappeared... But it looked like chaos... Had he found me? Why was he here?

"N-no" I stumbled over, landing on my butt.

Sonic it's just your imagination!

No, I saw him!

It's your imagination!

My Hydrophobic Boyfriend <3 {Sonadow}Where stories live. Discover now