Chapter 11 - The Home Disco and An Evil Scheme

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- {Shadow pov} -

"Are you okay with just doing nothing, Shads? Everyone's gone to the disco and i-

"Did you want to go to the disco?" I asked, having an idea in mind.

"Uh, yeah, but Shads-

"Well" I got up off the couch and Sonic wondered what I was doing.

I got the TV remote and put The Night We Met on. (this is your queue to put the song from above on).

"Care for a dance my liege?" I offered my hand, tossing the remote away and trying to save myself from second hand embarrassment.

It was the only way I could ask!!!!

"Pfft, hahahaha" He started laughing, and took my hand.

"Sure my king" He smirked, falling into my arms.

We stared at each for a little while, before touching noses.

Our eyes were totally focused on each others' not caring about anything else in the moment.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, watching as he stepped on his injured leg.

"Not when you're here" He smiled, pulling me into a kiss.

"I love you" I spoke, mesmerized by his gaze.

We put our hands together, and got into a dancing position.

"Can you even dance with that thing on?" I laughed, slowly moving to the song.

"Guess we'll find out"

I swung him around, catching him as he fell into my arms.

We laughed, kissing each other again.

As we kept dancing, we locked eyes, listening to every word of the song... It was like a dream... Everything about it...

We held each others faces, kissing every so often, dancing to the momentum of the song. I could imagine lights and everyone around us dancing to the same music. Though, it was special because Sonic was the only one here... We could dance and kiss all we wanted.

After a while, we fell onto the couch, gasping for air. Though, Sonic didn't let me catch my breath, as he pulled me into a long, satisfying kiss.

Sonic fell on top of me, still kissing me, and holding my hands. Not wanting to be on the bottom, I flipped him over, grabbing his chin and kissing him.

"I love you..." Sonic breathed, his face bright red.

"I love you more" I kissed him again, holding his face.

"Never leave me again..." I said, hugging him.

"I love you" He repeated, hugging me back.


- {Nobody pov} -

"Man, I'm ready to sleep" Knuckles stretched his arms out.

"I've never danced so much in my life" Tails laughed, a bit dizzy.

"It's sad that Sonic and Shadow couldn't come" Sticks stated.

"Well, theres another one in a few days time" Rouge addressed, weirdly knowing the exact date.

"It will be so romantic. I can just picture the two dancing around, holding each other" Rouge romanticised, flying around.

The rest of the guys laughed, whilst Amy Rose walked behind them, coming up with her plan to get Shadow out of Sonic's life. She had been thinking for the whole night, not dancing, not talking, just thinking... And she had finally started to come up with something...

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