Chapter 15 - Water, Water, Water

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- {Shadow pov} -

I took Sonic back to our room, sitting him on the bed. I sat next to him, and propped myself up with a pillow, grabbing the TV remote.

"Having a hurt ankle sucks..." Sonic fell forwards, face buried in the duvet.

"As long as you keep off it, it will heal as soon as you know it" I stated, unpausing the video I was watching.

"It's already been too long, how many more days will I be like this for?" Sonic whined, clearly missing running and messing around etc.

"Do you need me to get you a colouring book or something?" I asked, teasing him.

"Sure! I'll have a colouring book"

Okay, I was meaning for that to be a joke...

"Uh, I'll go and find one then?" I questioned, getting up.

"Amy will have one, but tell her not the stupid ones with all the little squares and stuff" Sonic remarked, still buried in the duvet.

So not Mandala ones?

He really is like a child...


I came back with a colouring book for like 10 year olds. It had big spaces and the only colours Amy gave me were crayons... But I mean if Sonic wanted to colour he would be fine with anything...

"Here" I tossed the book and crayons onto the bed and made my way back to where I was sitting before.


Why is he so happy about a colouring book?

I chuckled to myself, seeing him think long and hard as he flicked through the book to pick out the best page.

Did Amy bring that one with her just for Sonic to use?

We lay and chilled for the rest of the night/day, and soon it became midnight.



"Are ya tired Shads?" Sonic perked his head up, looking at me.

"I guess..."

I hadn't done anything today, so why was I so tired?

"How's your ankle?" I asked, as he abandoned his colouring and came to lay next to me.

"It's alright" He smiled, putting his hand on the side of my face.

"You sure?" I asked, putting one of my hands on his ear, rubbing it.

"Okay, maybe it hurts a bit, but it's not like before" He admitted, turning on his back.

"Are you trying to keep secrets from me again?" I questioned, sitting on his chest and leaning into his face.

"It's hard okay?" He laughed, as I looked into his eyes, deeply.

"Sure it is" I smirked, rubbing his ear again.

He held onto my face and pulled me into a kiss.

It felt nice as we hadn't had a proper one all day...

Sonic started caressing my face and with both hands free, I used mine to tickle his ears.

"S-Shads stop" He giggled, wiggling around underneath me.

I carried on tickling his ears, and he tried his best to break free. To no avail, he kept moving his head and feet all over the place.

"Stop you psycho!" He laughed, uncontrollably.

My Hydrophobic Boyfriend <3 {Sonadow}Where stories live. Discover now