Chapter 2 - The storm

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- {The next day- Shadow's pov} -

It was rather chilly the next morning, so I put on a jumper and headed down to breakfast. I figured Sonic would have woken up before me and gone down already so I didn't bother to check if he was in his room or not.

The truth is... I had been thinking about him all night. I just couldn't get the thought of him being all alone and upset out of my mind...

But besides that, I was hungry, and wanted the pancakes Amy had said she was making the previous night.

Just as I stepped into the room, I saw Sonic spinning around on one of the stools at the table.

"Sonic!" Amy called out to him.

He looked and was acting fine... Was yesterday just an overreaction then? Maybe I was thinking too much into it.

Sonic stopped spinning and saw me, that's when I noticed his usual shimmering emerald eyes were dull and dead. I couldn't exactly tell from afar, but I could see slight eye bags under his eyes too... Had he gotten any sleep?

"Morning Shadz" He smiled, as Amy noticed me too.

"Morning" I replied, liking the nickname.

"You two are as friendly as ever. I thought you hated each other" Amy spoke, finishing up the batch of pancakes she was making.

"Uhhhh, I guess we do?" Sonic questioned, confused and looking stupid.

"Well, you can have the first batch of pancakes if you want. Seeing as no one else is awake" Amy stated, as Sonic quite literally teleported in front of me.

"Gimme gimme gimme" He repeated, leaning over the counter. His ears were upright and fluffy as usual.

"Calm down" She chuckled, giving him a plate.

He was so close to me...

"Morning guys" Tails arrived, Knuckles tagging alongside him.

"Sonic looks as hyper as ever" They laughed, watching as he sprinted to the spinny seat and sat down with his chocolate filled pancake.

"Don't even know why I was worried"

Those words hit me hard... How were they so oblivious to how tired Sonic looked...

"Is that Amy's cooking I smell?" I heard Rouge behind me.

"Morning handsome" She winked at me, and walked over to the pancakes.

"Call me handsome" Knuckles argued.

I ignored them all and got my own pancake, myself. I put some strawberries and bananas inside. I got a glass of water and made my way over to where Sonic was sitting, as it was the only table.

Sitting across from him, he seemed to be invested in his pancake and didn't seem to mind my company. I could never figure him out...


"Amy these are delicious" Sticks announced, making Amy smile.

"Thanks Sticks" She replied.

Everyone was digging into their pancakes and were sitting on the same table as me. Sonic had already eaten his pancake, and was half asleep. His face was just inches off his plate.

I kicked him from under the table and he jumped; his eyes were massive as he frantically looked around.

I chuckled to myself and blindly continued eating my pancake. I loved messing with him.

"So, as we are all together" Amy suddenly started saying, getting everyone's attention "I feel the need to announce what I think we should all do today"

My Hydrophobic Boyfriend <3 {Sonadow}Where stories live. Discover now