Chapter 13 - A Trustworthy Relationship

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- {Shadow pov} -


"Morning sleepyhead"

I awoke to Sonic next me to, smiling, as usual.

"What time is it?" I asked, yawning.

"Tis 10am my good sir" Sonic spoke, and I looked over to the alarm clock.

"Wow, I've slept for a while..."

When did I even fall asleep?

"Anyways, can we go and get something to eat? I'm starving" Sonic spoke, sitting up and stretching his arms out.

"Yeah" I replied, getting up and getting Sonic's cast.

I noticed the TV had been turned off. What had Sonic been doing all this time? Last thing I remember we were watching Kitchen Nightmares...

"Do you want to put this on or?"

He shook his head.

"I don't really feel like getting my bones crushed right now" He laughed.

"Right" I smiled, putting it down.

I walked over to Sonic and picked him up. We gave each other a quick glance, then proceeded to walk out the door.


"Hey guys" Sticks noticed us, as I walked into the kitchen with Sonic in my arms.

Sticks was doing whatever, Knuckles was eating something, Tails was... Doing something with a screwdriver and Rouge was painting her nails (of course).

Amy was no where to be seen.

Thank god. I don't want to have to put up with her half-assed apology right now.

"Wassup" Sonic greeted them, from my arms of course.

"Sonic, how's your ankle doing?" Tails asked, running over to us.

"Wait... You don't have your cast on"

"Yeah, it's a bit too tight for my liking, but I'll put it back on when it doesn't hurt so much"

"Oh, I guess your feet have grown since I last made something for you... Heh" Tails awkwardly laughed, looking at Sonic's bandaged foot.

"Sure has" Sonic spoke, scratching his forehead (where the plaster was).

Suddenly my stomach rumbled. My face went slightly red, out of embarrassment.

Sonic and Tails laughed.

"Can we get some food now?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

"Sure Shads" He smiled "to the fridge we go" He pointed to the fridge and I began walking.

"By the way, where's Ames?" Sonic asked, as I set him down on the counter.

I walked over to the fridge to see if there was anything to eat in it.

"She went shopping, since we have like nothing" Rouge stated, blowing on her nails.

"And because someone keeps eating everything"

Everyone turned to Knuckles; he was eating the last of the bread.

There didn't seem to be anything in the fridge, apart from milk and random other things such as... celery?

"How long ago did she set off?" I asked, wondering how long I had to wait.

I noticed Sonic was scratching his head again.

My Hydrophobic Boyfriend <3 {Sonadow}Where stories live. Discover now