How you two first meet

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Snake: You were at a buffet all by yourself because your boyfriend cheated on you two days ago. You sit a lightly colored booth with Y/F/F on your plate that you picked out. You see a waiter head towards where your sitting with a snake following behind. The waiter tells the yellow serpent to pick any seat he wants and the waiter heads back to the front. The snake clears his throat and slithers closer to you. "Excuse me pretty miss but can I sit here?" He says while pointing to the seat next to you. " Sure here you go" you say while scooting over. He smirks and slithers to sit down beside you. "Your very pretty I must say" Snake says to you. "Thank You, your very handsome yourself" you say while brushing up against him. "Thank you, are you single?" He asked. "I am now because my boyfriend cheated on me two days ago" while hanging your head low trying to hide tears. Snake looks at you with a sad face. He honestly felt bad. "Well If I was in a relationship with you, I would never cheat on a beautiful girl like you." He says while looking at the floor then back at you. "You want to go out with me?" You ask while blushing.
"Yeah, your very pretty and your very nice." He says while moving his face closer to you. "Yes please!" You say excitedly while you leap to him and hug him and resting your head on his chest. "How about we go to the movies after dinner?" He asked while rubbing his tail on your back. "I would love to" you say. After dinner you too go and see a movie and spend the rest of the night at your house.

Wolf: You were at a carnival buying a ticket for yourself. The ticket was $50 per person. "How many tickets?" The mam asked. "One please" you sigh. "That will be $50, cash only" said the man. You pull out $30. You start panicking digging through your pockets. "Crap! I'm 20 dollars short!" You shout. "Make that two please" says a wolf handing one hundred dollars to the man. " Okay come right in and enjoy the fair" says the man. "But...what?" You look around you confused. "Leave it to me sugar cube" Wolf says while giving you a smirk and a wink. You instantly blush. " know...hang out?" Says Wolf while interlocking both of his fingers and blushing in tense. "I'll be happy to." You say while rubbing the fur on the side of his cheek and giving him a smile. His tail immediately wags as fast as a humming bird. "What's your name?" He asks. Y/N you say. " That is the most prettiest name I have ever heard." He says smiling at you. "Thank you, what's yours? " You ask. Wolf he says. "I really love that name wolf" you say while smiling at him. You grab his paw and run with him to a ride and you spend the rest of the night at the carnival, then at your house.

Mr Wolf/Mr Snake x FEM Reader Oneshots * REQUESTS ARE OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now