How your rescued if you got kiddnapped by Marmalade

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Snake: Snake would find a randsom note on your guy's bed left by Marmalade. Snake would read it and start growling and hissing at the nite and rip it in half. He was very worried about that rat hurting you. But he was also very pissed off about Marmalade taking you away from him. He would find the mansion where that pouchy checked rat was keeping you. You were alone in a room in a cage. Crying and alone. Until You see Snake, Shark, and Wolf break in to bust you out. Marmalade then comes In the room and Snake wraps around his body squeezing him tightly while Wolf snarls at him. They all threaten him to never take you away from him again or else they'll kill him. Marmalade agrees and runs off leaving Snake cuddling you while he's happy to see that your unharmed.

Wolf: Wolf would be pissed at Marmalde. Wolf would know were you are because Webs checked the tracking device which is concealed in your necklace. Then would immediately take Snake and Piranha to Marmalades mansion where he's holding you hostage.  He would find Marmalade and snarl at him with a bite to give you back to him. Marmalade, the wuss that he is is terrified of Wolf's snarling, decideds to return you to Wolf. Wolf threatened him that if he took you away from him again, he would kill him.

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