When They walk in on you changing or naked

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This one I made myself because I was bored :)

Snake: Snake would come in and he would see you in the middle of you changing or naked and he would stare for a minute. He would slither alittle closer and shut the door to your room. He would look at you with a sly look looking you up and down. " Well what do we have here, want me to stay?~" If you said yes he would sit down and watch. He loves to look at you because he thinks you look beautiful, but if you said no, he would immediately leave.

Wolf: Mr Wolf would come in and stare for a minute with his tail wagging at helicopter speed. He would quickly turn around with his tail still wagging and his facing fully red. " D-Do you want me to stay?~" He asks. If you said no, then he will run out of the room sobbing alittle . But if you said yes he would close the door behind him and help you out, he thinks your way too pretty for him.

What am I doing? 😭😭😭

Mr Wolf/Mr Snake x FEM Reader Oneshots * REQUESTS ARE OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now