How they would comfort/console you after you been bullied

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Requested by DreamHashira

Snake: Snake. would. Be. Pissed. Absolutely pissed that someone would dare to hurt his lover. He would demand you to tell him who did it. And if when you tell him. He would wrap himself around his body tightly and threaten them to not come near or talk or think about you again. And he would send them running. After Snake would give you push pops and candy and lay in bed with you cuddling you and telling you that your beautiful and no to listen to them. He would cuddle you until your not feeling sad anymore.

Wolf: Wolf would first be concerned then sad then rage. He would start following you places and if that bully cam near you he would stand in front if you and snarl. Gazing his razor sharp and pearly white teeth at them so they would stay away. He told them to stay away from you including a snap with his sharp teeth. After you and Wolf would lay if bed with your head on his uncovered, fuzzy chest. He would tell you that people don't know the real you. And that people are jealous that they're not as pretty or lucky as you. Then you too would fall asleep like this.

Mr Wolf/Mr Snake x FEM Reader Oneshots * REQUESTS ARE OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now