When your on your period

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Snake: "So let me get this straight, Every month you have cramps and you bleed?" He asks. Yeah you say while letting out a big sigh. "What do you need to heal it?" He asks. "You can't heal it, it's life. But females use pads and tampons to slow it down a bit. " You explain. "What size do you use?" Asked Snake. "Y/S" you say. Snake gives a smirk and slithers to the door and leaves. "Huh!" You huff while staring at the door.

* 1 hour later *

You laugh down on the couch waiting for Snake to come back home until you hear the door open. Snake slithers through the door to the living room. Snake heads to you with a plastic bag wrapped around his tail. "Hey hon I got you some things for your period." Snake says while setting the back down. You sit up to see what he got. "I got some pads for you, overnight, scented, large, and heavy." He says while setting them out on the coffee table in front of you. "Thanks Snake" you say while smiling at him. "Anything for you sugar dumpling" He says while smiling at you. He will also get you push pops and your F/F to make you feel better. And if you have a bad cramp then he will let you squeeze his tail if It hurts so bad.

Wolf: " So you have to use pads to..."

* Timeskip *

After 30 minutes of explaining to your boyfriend wolf on how a period works. And what it does. He will buy you pads and buys you candy and snacks, and he buys you fast food on the way home. "I'm back" Wolf says. You run to give him a big hug for caring so much by buying alot of stuff for you to make you feel better. Later your laying down in your bed having a bad stomach cramp. Your laying on your side while holding your stomach while whimpering quietly. The others were out for dinner but Wolf was home in the living room watching TV. You tried not to make as much noise as you can Wolf could here you. You yelped when the pain got worse in a split second. That's when Wolf rushed to your room and opened the door. "Hey... are you okay?" He asked with a worried look. "It...it hurts alot." You say trying not to cry. He shuts the door and walks over to your bed and lays down aside you. You rest your head on his chest. "It's okay babe" he says in a calm and soft voice while rubbing his hand on your back. "I'll stay as long as you need me" He says. He softly kisses you on your head. Later you too fall asleep like this.

Mr Wolf/Mr Snake x FEM Reader Oneshots * REQUESTS ARE OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now