Mr. Snake X reader ❌️SMUT❌️ First time with a Snake

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Snake headed to your bedroom, You nervously follow him. As he moves over to the side to let you go first, he closes the door and locks it behind him. You climb onto the bed looking at Snake nervously. He sits on the over side of the room, giving you a mischievous chilling smile. "S-Snake?...Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask nervously. "Because I'm going to claim you my sweet little Y/N." He growls softly. Slithering closer to the bed, he uses his tail to Take off his red Hawaiian shirt and his tan bucket hat. You curl up in fear, feeling very nervous about your first time with him. "Don't be shy Y/N. I'll be gentle, I promise." Snake soothes softly to you. You look up at him and smile softly. He leans in to gently kiss you on the lips, his forked tongue tries to cram into your mouth. You finally give up and let him explore your mouth. Snake finds a sensitive spot which makes a moan come out of you. You quickly pull away, whimpering softly, feeling embarrassed. "Hehe~ moaning now, are we?" Snake teased. He moves over in front of you, towering over your body. He uses his tail to position his shafts at your entrance. "Ready, sweetheart?" Snake asks you. You nervously nod at his question. Snake slowly but firmly pushes in causing you to cry out. "Mmh..that's the stuff.." Snake groans out. "'re too big.." You cry out as you squirm. "'s alright..I've gotcha.." Snake soothes, trying to comfort you lovingly. Snake slowly starts to thrust into you, his tips hitting her cervix gently. "S-Snake.." You whimper. Snake smiles softly before going rougher and faster. "Mmmh..Baby.." Snake groans. "Snake...Snake...Snake..Snaaaake.." You cry out more. "I'm cumming...I'm  Cumming honey.." Snake groaned as he fills you. "S-Snake.." You panted. "I'm here, I'm here..Are you alright, sweetie?" Snake asks, his voice soft and soothing. "Y-Yes.." You softly whimper. Snake pulls out of you so he can lay beside you, wrapping some of his coils around you. "I-I love you, Y/N." Snake softly whispered. "I love you too, Snake." You softly say back before drifting off to sleep in his embrace. "I'll  keep you safe, Y/N. Always."

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