Mr Snake x Fem Snake reader

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You were slithering down the street to your best friend Diane's house. You arrive and have dinner with her and her family. After you get done eating Diane takes you out for a walk. You follow her into a tunnel and into a large elevator with a large black car inside . " So I want you to meet some friends of mine" she says happily. "Okay?" You respond trying not to sound too confused. The elevator reaches the floor and opens. Revealing the empty'ish lair of the bad guys. You see a small red and brown tranchula walk toward you. "Hi Diane! " she says happily. "Hi Webs!" She responds back. " And who is this?" She asks in a happy tone. " This is Y/N, She's a but shy." Diane introduces. " Oh that's okay! Come on Y/N. Let's go introduce you to the others." She holds your tail with one of her mits and walks woth you to the rest of the gang which is sitting on the couch watching TV. "Give it back Piranha! I wanna watch TV!" Shouts Snake. " Only if you catch me!" Shouts Piranha. " You know I'm older, taller, and faster than you right?" Says Snake. " Doesn't matter, I want to watch something!" Screams Piranha. " Are we missing something?" Asks Diane. " Oh hey Diane! " Both of them say. " Who's this? " asks Snake while pointing his tail at you. " This is Y/N, she is the one who actually make the gadgets for me!" She says. "That's amazing Y/N, come sit woth us!" Wolf says patting a seat on the couch. " If you excuse me, I'm going to go get Y/N a push pop." Says Piranha. " "Oh hell no! If anyone is getting Y/N a push pop it's me!" Shouts Snake. All of them sit there in silent for one second and all 5 of them run  and fight to the freezer to get a push pop. While no one is looking you make a run for it and make it to the elevator slithering out of there. You ran because you were very shy and thought that non of them would like you. So you slither out of the tunnel and rest in the alley. " Where's Y/N?" Asks Snake with the push pop in his tail.  " Why don't you look for her? Your a snake too." Says Shark. " Fine, I'll look for her." Says Snake all bummed out. He slithers around and finds the elevator door open so he kinda knew where you were at. He slithered to the elevator and when down. He searches around the tunnel looking for you. He goes outside of the tunnel .

He sees you sitting outside against the wall kinda curled up

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He sees you sitting outside against the wall kinda curled up. He quickly slithers to you. "Y/N! I found you, I looked everywhere for you!" He says in relief.  You look at him with a sad look." I'm sorry I ran away from you, I was just alittle shy." You say in a sad tone. "Hey, Hey, it's okay! At first I was alittle shy too" He says in a soft voice. " D...Do you like me?" You ask. " Of course sweetie" He says with blushing. You thought, did he just call you sweetie??? And you knew in your head what that meant. You cuddle around him. "I love you Snake" you say with your eyes closed. Snake was stunned but flustered at the same time. " I love you too Y/N" He says. You both look up at the night sky.

Requested by SpaceLoverGirl

Mr Wolf/Mr Snake x FEM Reader Oneshots * REQUESTS ARE OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now