2. Poof, Babe In the Throne Room

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"Oh silly me. Always forget those pesky introductions. Im Katherine Justice. But most just call me Lady Justice." The brightest of smiles the biggest of eyes the sweetest of words.

"And why are you here?" Rhaenyra demanded. Justices eyes narrowed in her voice serious and deadly as the looked to Rhaenyra.

"To bring Justice."

"How did you... where did you come from?" Aegon questioned thinking he was still drunk. "She just like... poof, babe in the throne room." Justice smiled back at him with a little toss of her shoulder. 

"Yes well Im a Magical deity of the realms." Justice remarked. "But enough about me-" there was that southern drawl again that put them all at ease. "-lets get back to you." She pointed a casual finger around the group. "What happened here?"

''They attacked me!' Aemond told her. 

''He attacked Baela!''

''He broke Luke's nose!'' 

''He stole my mother's dragon!'' Rhaena shouted. "She was mine to claim, mine! He stole her."

''He was gonna kill Jace! He was he really was!" Luke shouted. 

''I didn't do anything wrong!' Aemond corrected. The kids starting shouting out their stories and Justice shook her head.

"No yelling." Justice corrected calmly and with a wave of her hand they were in a court room. Benches and podiums. Alicent beside aemond, his bloody shirt gone and in a fresh suit. Rhaenyra beside her boys and Rhaenys next to her granddaughters.

"Daemon Targaryen would you like to stand beside your daughters?" Justice asked.

"Nah... Im good right here." Daemon assured.

"Imbecile." Justice muttered before turning her attention to Aemond. "Aemond would you like to begin? Tell me in your own words. How you remember it."

"I think-" Rhaenyra began. 

"No." Justice corrected. "You stay quiet, it will be your sons turn soon enough." Rhaenyra grumbled and Alicent felt a wave of pride and hope, she was going to get Justice. "Aemond, please go on." 

"Well... I have always wanted a dragon." Aemond began. 

"Speak up honey, I'm a million years old, I know I don't look it but-" She brought a hand to her ear. Aemond cleared his throat. 

"I have always wanted a dragon." Aemond declared. "My siblings have dragons and my nephews have dragons. It wasnt fair. I study hard, I go to all the dragon lessons, I'm always on time and stay longer than them." Aemond declared and Justice nodded along. "And I just... it's all I have ever wanted."

"To fly... thats sounds thrilling." Justice agreed and Aemond nodded. 

"It was. It was magical. She is mine now." Aemond declared. 

"She's mine you stole her!" Rhaena hissed rising from her seat, her hand slapping down on the table. 

"No, no, no." Justice tsked. "You will have your time." She huffed out a breath glaring back at Justice. "Sit." Justice commanded and Rhaena found herself back in her chair. "Go on, Aemond."  there was that sweet southern drawl, those bright eyes back that made the pain go away and made Aemond feel special.

"Well I knew Laena had a dragon and I saw her sleeping, Vhagar is her name. She's the largest dragon known to mankind." Aemond informed Justice. "And well... I knew I had to try."

 Vhagar had snorted, her deep exhales drawing Aemond in, Aemond thought she could swallow him up in a single breath if Vhagar wanted to. 

Aemond reached for the ropes and Vhagar woke, she snorted out at Aemond, he had to be brave he stood tall and strong. Vhagar went back to sleep. Aemond tried again, Vhagar lifted her head, opened her mouth, Aemond stared at the fire boiling in the back of her throat.

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